Monday, December 6, 2010

What Does Full Board Mean On A Cruise Ship

Ancash: Where are the millions?

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
recently the Rector of the presentation UNASAM on television, said that the resources they have received barely Mining Canon "60 million" (11/02/2010 "First Edition" Local Channel 13), then in other statements issued by the same medium (6/12/2010) and more precisely, states that the amount received in these years would be "88 million", while express their "transfer assigned" by Canon, as indicated by the rules, since 2004 so far accumulated S /. 128.5 million. What happened?
As you know, 5% of resources Canon Minero at the departmental level must be given to public universities in the territory, which in the case Ancashino are two (UNASAM and U St.). These transfers are not made directly, but through the Regional Government's budget statement, that is, which is ultimately the Regional Government of Ancash who "automatically" must give the amounts of fees that their share of the homes above.
Thus, as shown in the table below, the positive developments in recent years generated Canon, S /. 257.2 million (128.6 million to each university) [1] . But the regional government of Ancash, as shown in the "Execution of transfers to universities" between 2004 and the month of November 2010 [2] , and give 205 million, which means UNASAM 102.5 million and 102.5 for the University of Santa. We must oficilamente each 26 million.

What is striking now: If you give in these years the UNASAM 102.5 million, because they say they received only 88 million, Where are the S /. The 14.5 million already delivered? And what will be the same with the University of Santa?
A we need a quick explanation from:
  • The Regional Government of Ancash; to know the fate of those "14.5 million that is missing the UNASAM", as well as an adequate explanation that supports the because of the ongoing delays in the transfer of CANON universities.
  • On the side of the universities, although its presence in society is almost isolated and to some extent reluctant to outside opinion, it should review their accounts quickly to require complete delivery of the Canon Minero them entitled.
[1] Article: Millions of UNASAM and the University of Santa. 25/11/2010.
[2] Ministry of Economy and Finance - SIAF, 04 December 2010.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Day I Was Born In Gujarati

Sasha, the child of Russia 2018 World University

Sasha has become today the boy child most watched worldwide, since participated in the video to promote Russia's bid and become the organizer of the 2018 World Cup, and that very day was chosen. Interesting realization that shows us a little more than Russian culture. The video shows the little Sasha, who dreams of fulfilling the dream of going global to achieve the dream of playing alongside Andrei Arshavin, the star of Russian football. Enjoy and expect 2018 to see that we can show the Russians.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cervical Mucus Dry Before My Period

UNASAM the million and the University of Santa

By: Richard Moreno Bustos

According to the "Regional Competitiveness Index 'in the country, whatever they produced" Peru Compete "or" CENTRUM "(PUCP) Ancash is located in positions 10 and 11 respectively, when compared with the other departments. These measurements, made explicit the position obtained by the Ancash region is due to the significant growth shown in the production and export of minerals without ambargo, the factors considered deficient improve our competitiveness, clearly have to do with the little progress in "Innovation" and in it, on research and technological development.
In this context, among the national universities charge more resources have received since 2005 are the "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo University" and the "National University of Santa." As we know, the rules state that the use of those resources by the university fees collected should be directed to "Improving the university infrastructure and scientific and technological research to enhance regional development. "
Developments in the transfer of mining royalties to the universities of Ancash grew strongly between 2004 and 2008, contrary to this, in the years 2009 and 2010 decreased their allocations, due to the drop in price of some metals (caused by the international financial crisis) and start the process of "Reinvestment Antamina Utilities."
Despite what happened the last two years, roughly the period 2004 - 2010, universities have accumulated Ancash transfer of S /. 257.2 million (each accounted for S /. 128.6 million). However, the level of expenditure of mining royalties over the years (until October 2010) is quite low: in these years ran UNASAM S /. 28 million and the University of Santa has spent only S /. 9.7 million.
Then, the quantities of mining canon "Do not waste" are important: The UNASAM has S/.100 million and the University of Santa has S/.119 million, but those funds are not part of the agenda for dialogue between teachers, students, administrators and community representatives. It seems that the coordinated planning and budgeting equity, which are not mandatory in these instances educators are issues outside of a management practice, despite being responsible for the management of public resources. Exposed
such a situation, it is important to initiate a process of discussion and proposal regarding the "Role to be met by our two universities" and "Proper Use the Canon Minero" in order to enhance scientific and technological research this part of the country. bet the traditional and "isolated" form of action in public universities to society changes.
need to have a political agenda "research" at the department, in perspective, secure inter-agency work between the same universities, regional government, local governments, and companies operating in the department.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Do You Calculate Recurring Deposit

The Curse of the Small Agriculture Ancash: On World Food Day

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
Small-scale agriculture is the economic group Ancash department that has received little attention from the state in a large section of our regional economic history, is implementing or developing public policies that promote major investments. Here, the activities Agriculture accounts for only 7% of Gross Domestic Product Division (PBI), but it is dedicated 49% of the employed (employed EAP), namely that productivity in this economic sector is quite low and yet supports nearly half of those with some employment in the region.
to the aforementioned characteristics, adding that 91% of the production of small-scale agriculture is the main destination Ancash consumption, while the eyes of the state has skewed view projects and initiatives focus on, not less important agricultural export (PE Case Chinecas).
is why the absence of national policies, regional and even local to meet the food-producing sector, is reflected from the various levels of government in the start-up budget (PIA 2010) whose schedule for smallholder agriculture Ancash reaches 14%, even more, if we see the budget allocation for investment from the Regional Government of Ancash earlier this year to just less than 1% of its overall budget.
These behaviors are seen in a scenario where the level of "chronic malnutrition" is 23.5% in 2009 and that goal by 2014 institutions Roundtable for Poverty Reduction in seeking to reduce it to less than 15%. It is also good to note that the public has a special situation for several years seen significant revenue derived from income that captures the state, mostly because of the extraordinary profits made by companies such as Antamina Mining and Barrick, and ; to become a real opportunity to fund the solution of problems of food, employment and poverty represented by the small-scale agriculture.
But these activities still own traditional territory, appears to be "historically cursed" with the abandonment of public and private intervention, especially in a context where a global food crisis is becoming more evident. It seems that only "Gaston Acurio" chain welcomed efforts to give greater value to our small farm production.
When testing an estimate of the funds available for investment in different institutions of the department in 2010, close at S /. These resources 3.700 million, of which a portion could be aimed at strengthening the regional productive system, but in a logic "serious" to "regional policy" for rural sector development.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Best Waxers In Montreal

Those Jobs ...

While already six months ago that I graduated, I recently did a review of files that were stored in various CD's and found some papers that during the 5-year career in UPAO, I gather, as you know the race of social communicator comprises various areas, through the audiovisual production, graphic design, marketing plans and community development activities, which we usually call communication for development, market research, cost analysis, economics, etc. Then a small sample of what I did for my time in undergraduate studies, many things were left out, but eventually share them with People who follow me and read. Thanks.

Educational Radio Program: On the Punta de la Lengua

Infographic of Pets America's Cup
Bohemian Trujillo

Television Pilot: On the Set (interviews)

Campaign Against Anorexia
Recycling Campaign:

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Tie A Snowboarfing Bandana

Available Funds in Ancash 2010: The beggar is sitting in your bank

By: Richard Moreno Bustos

The appeal from mining in the Ancash which gives more attention in the media, debates and interventions authorities, representatives and leaders, is the famous "Canon Minero. However, there are other financial resources seem to have passed by unnoticed and become an interesting source for funding major projects to which they can aspire to improve social and competitive Ancash and the current regional management with his startling blindness management visionary and has been missing out.

First, we have to Investment Fund Ancash Development (IFAD) who in 2001 became the "mining penalty" paid by Antamina (111.5 million dollars) and I mean a series of protests from various institutions and populations, seeking to make possible the implementation of its coveted project ( Catac-Tunnel Road Cahuish; City University of UNASAM; Road Huarmey - Recuay; Drain, Chimbote; Health Center San Marcos Road Casma-Huaraz, Electrificaciones, etc. ), but in the period of almost a decade, some have not yet been fully implemented.
On the other hand, every year, mining companies are forced to share up to 8% of their profits to workers in return, the same being delivered up to 18 times their monthly salary to each employee. Once this first part [1] , which comes to 2.200 on ITU to Employment Promotion Fund (FONDOEMPLEO) [2] and, if presented the case that there is still a remnant after that delivery, these funds called "Remnants of mining profits" are transferred to Regional Government to invest in road infrastructure at a regional level.
Thus, the last 5 years the funds generated from the two sources mentioned is quite important, as an example, for 2010 is estimated FONDOEMPLEO available in S /. 23.5 million, while as "Remnant mining profits" have S /. 815 million.
Then we have the " Canon Minero" understood as 50% of income tax returns the state of the proceeds of mining companies and producer is transferred to the department for distribution to the Regional Government, Local Government and Universities public. Ancash mining royalties to between 2007 and 2010 has meant transfer of S /. 4.770 million on balance added to the delivery of this year can be available over S/.2, 451 million new soles.
Finally, as another source of financial resources as important, we have the "Mining Fund" or "voluntary contributions" u "Pence mining" or its official name "mining program in solidarity with the people," is administered by the same mining companies and equivalent to 3.75% of its net income and should be annually for socio-productive investment over 5 years (end 2011). The condition for this contribution is not withdrawn is that metals prices are above the "average reference price" established for each mineral.
These contributions in Ancash, between 2007 and 2010 and have accumulated about S /. 658 million, but after of the costs already incurred, it could be considered as available S /. 292.8 million this year. Ancash
for 2010 has, in the five funds described, S /. 3,717.2 million soles, which have become an unimaginable opportunity to finance so-called "Project Impact" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe department, provinces and districts in the region, but weaknesses in political leadership, planning, regional management capacity and coordination among institutions maintain several years to beggar sitting on a bench wear gold, without improving conditions for deployment capabilities, and neglecting the use of its obvious potential agricultural, livestock, forestry, tourism, fisheries, mining and water supply.
Therefore, the new authorities to choose this October 3 should be aware that we need to have a clear political decision to order investment leverage even more funds and not waste the great opportunity we have to make a difference in this part of country.

[1] According to Law 28 464 -2005
[2] institution that annually invites tenders for productive projects in the department where the resource is generated.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant And Pain Above Belly Button

VVAA - RNE 3 All Starts Today (Rockdelux CD) 320Kbps

Magnifico Collection of live performances by various artists on the Radio morning show 3 ° It All Starts Today ¨. Published in the September 2010 Rockdelux.


Josh Rouse - I Will Live On Islands
Emmy the Great - We Almost Had a Baby
Billy Bragg - Greetings To The New Brunette
Dominique A - Until we drop
The Wave Pictures - Now You Are Pregnant
Mane l - Ai, Dolors
Kiko Veneno - People say
Howe Gelb & Raymond Amado r - Cowboys Boots on Cobble Stone
Hello everyone - Prayer Team Hatem
The Parade - The Dylan Aerolito
num9 & Dawn Lande s - El Baile
Christina Rosenvinge
- The proper distance
Darren Hayman - The Greedy Ugly People
Joe Henry - Bellwether
Santiago Josele - Centipede
The Leisure Society - A Matter Of Time
Auction & Muni Camon - We're Hints
Maderita - summer job
Kisnk i - Mambo King and Queen of Sheba
At Swim two Birds - Down By The Stream
Matt Elliot - Something About Ghosts

320 kbps mediafire

Friday, September 10, 2010

Can I Hold An Reit In 401k

Regional Government Investments Ancash 2006 - 2010

(Part One)

By: Richard Moreno Bustos *

These heights Ancash regional management is important to take a look at the performance shown in the works and projects from this level of government are being developed. We are going to remove the regional budget allocated only to investment.

The "investment budget" regional government has been increasing significantly over the past five years. This increase is mainly due to the increasing transfer of Canon Minero, but especially within the "Remnant Mining Utilities (which are unique to regional governments) and, since 2006 represented a interesting option for financing highway projects from the governing body.

However, the rate of growth in spending was not going hand in hand with the greater availability of budgetary funds for investment, which generated each year balances have been incorporated into the amendment of the budget as an example we can see that in 2009 investment resources were not implemented S /. 1.075 million, the same who joined in 2010 and until August explain why the "investment budget" is S /. 1.322 million.

The number projects implemented between 2007 and August 2010 with amounts exceeding 100 thousand suns were 265 projects, also on average means 66 projects a year. These include the proposed Stadium Expansion and Improvement of Rosas Pampa de Huaraz feasibility initially cost almost 17 million to 38 million was reformulated to August 2010 and was paid S /. 40.7 million, the project "Improvement and Recovery National College of Huaraz Freedom" that it has so far an expenditure of S /. 7.7 million, "Construction, Reconstruction and implementation of IE N º 88319 Real Tambo Nuevo Chimbote District" with an execution of S /. Etc. 4 million. In general the main destination denotes investment spending attention to the "Sanitation" with projects to improve drainage and drinking water also executed projects in Education "improvement and reconstruction" of educational institutions.

The biggest project touched on the political agenda of the regional management has been has been the special project Chinecas; This project was being funded for years (annual average of 9 million) only with the "regular resources "by the national government, after protests from the Regional Government as President of the Republic Chinecas delivered to the Municipality of Santa, in 2007 the national executive was able to deliver the project to the Regional Government of Ancash. It is then when you decide to transfer S /. 84 million soles of Canon Minero Special Project Chinecas but was gradually increasing to S /. 145 million in 2009. Here, it is important to target and effectively details how large investment must be generated, especially now that the regional government has launched a new "Project Chinecas" amounting to about S /. 2.000 million and has yet to pick up comments from the MEF viability.
On the other hand, if Looking at the territorial concentration of resources from the regional government implemented, we see that most of the funds executed annually for investment has been concentrated on the coast of the department at a rate of between 50 and 60%, while the saw corresponds to just over 40% each year. This concentration is most striking even when we see that the greatest amount of money spent on the coast were allocated to the province of Santa. (See figure 02).

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can Grown Men Have Wet Dreams?

The interview

This interview already has a couple of years. Show

my start in the world of print. He has already ridden

lot of water under the bridge, but here it is.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Remington 870 Whippit


By: Richard Moreno Bustos

Criticism of subnational governments (regional and local) in relation to managed investment budget and not spend gradually came to describe as "inability to spend." Today, several candidates are already beginning to launch arguments are concerned.

Regarding the expenditure side, one notes the absence of a discourse on the "quality" of it. Mention for example: "There is money to spare and needed spending power" or, "let's spend that money because it is a sin to have resources stored there so much need in the department" or "I'm going to spend it because I have experience," etc.

Although each sentence might make some sense, the fact is that we do not need a government " spender." Management is required not only to focus on implementing what has adjudicated budget, which is precisely the profile of the outgoing management authorities, and if so, others would insist on achieving autonomy and making progress with fiscal decentralization.

Some questions about the investment spending should respond to our candidates could be:

• What would be the names of major projects on which they must concentrate our efforts?
• How is Participatory Budgeting
• Do we need an organization external (type OEI) to bid?
• How to spend what you have, such that leverage more funds for investment in the area? (That is, if we have S /. 1.000 million how do we ensure that, with other public and private, the investment made in the department is, for example S /. 2.5 billion?)

I mentioned, logically have to do with the possibilities planning and exercise of power with the institutions in its territory. We have seen that there are serious limitations in the way governments are organized in Ancash, which is not allowed to bring a level of proper planning (for this reason the Coordinated Development Plan does not apply to the steps).

In conclusion, it is increasingly important that our naive, until today they improvise and do not seem to have made even his "government plan", setting out best and creative alternatives to the problems of investment management. That will require review and learn a little more reality Ancash, but above all be clear management of public affairs after the process of decentralization and given a scenario to generate significant financial resources by mining.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Stereo Receivers Review

Workshop Sale Show Room of Richard Solis / Visual Arts

This Friday June 4 workshop will realize a sale in my showroom.
Come meet the new prices of my products.
From 11 to 21 hours

The promotional image is courtesy of the students of the Professional Institute

Monday, May 10, 2010

Burgundy Cream Curtains

regional government of Ancash: "Wicked Bid" Investment

By: Richard Moreno Bustos

"bid, bid, our time is going to end!" Seems to summarize the overall objective of the Regional Government of Ancash (GRA) to six months to complete the administration and doors formally start election starting in July.

happens that it has identified "a constant" in the management regional showing a considerable effort to expedite "tender" but after that, the interest on the projects fell sharply during the physical implementation, which obviously violates the timeliness and quality of works. Therefore, ; is essential to know what the terms of each contract made (which should be public), explaining the rates of progress that is delivered to the building and has led to situations where "practically already finished pay more than 80% to the contractors but not walk the physical progress (Wecrococha Channel case, College Liberty among others).

As noted in a previous article, the GRA has the balance to invest S /. 1, 068 million soles, which provided the more political pressure to commit funds in recent months. In this logic, was convened in the city of Chimbote (May 7) at a meeting "extraordinary" to request the "Regional Council" to approve a set of projects that together exceed S /. 800 million soles, but have comments or irregularity which 4 months are displayed through different media.

The session mentioned did not get a quorum in the morning, so in another meeting later development but "ordinary", where a majority of directors voted to approve ("package" and not "individually") projects proposed.

Oiled "or disinformation? ..

Why choose VRG Hospital construction of Huaraz, where Civil Defence said it was a risk area (flood), socially, there is a strong opposition and, technically important comments made from the College of Engineering?

The answer is simple, as has been happening so the work does not progress, JUST WANT TO TENDER AND DELIVER THE BUENAPRO. That's it.

Also, remember that under the agreement, the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI) is paid 2% (previously 3.5%) of the reference value of the selection process (bidding), that is, if they were S /. 840 million which is tendered, the GRA must pay the OEI S /. 16.8 million new soles. What a business!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What The Fastestpc Processor

you should meet 5 Principles of Economics

Daily hear terms such as: opportunity cost, marginal cost or performance, these calls ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES , explain and shed light on what is happening in the business world and especially in economics. Define and exemplify why the 5 fundamental principles underlying the modern economy.

1 .- The Principle of Opportunity Cost:
Due the limitation of resources in a company and many of these can not easily be renewed, the opportunity cost principle referred to us to produce or obtain the product A, we must sacrifice the production of product B, or vice versa. This principle allows us to situate and define this dilemma when making decisions.

A farmer has 100 acres of land to produce, decides to plant 20 hectares of potatoes and 80 hectares of cloclo. Suppose the price of potato shoots in that year and the price of potatoes is maintained, its opportunity cost is 80% less potatoes that I can be planted and eventually won.

2 .- Marginal Principle:
This principle is much simpler than it is, it consists in the variation of one variable on another, commonly used to compare the cost of the benefit of a product. In other words if the cost varies, how much could change the expected benefit.

A taxi driver works 6 hours a day and earn 200 soles during that time, I mean win 33.3 soles per hour, if you decide to work 1 hour and get 240 soles 40 soles difference would be their marginal benefit. But it would also evaluate different variables, including fatigue, fuel costs, traffic, in order to know exactly its marginal benefit.

The concept also refers to whether the income is greater than the incremental cost of this activity is called fringe benefits.

the same way for this effort added more resources are used, this is called marginal cost.

3 .- Principle of diminishing returns:
To understand this we must think about growth, because of diminishing returns tells us that if one of the factors of a business increases, but the rest maintains its production will increase but so decrenciente.

Example: A restaurant
start having success and the guests begin to queue up to wait for an empty table, so that the employer decides to install more tables (10 to 20), but maintains the same number of boys and cooks. No doubt the number of people served will increase, but production increased from 200 dishes a day to only 300. We will see that actually increased the number of plates sold, but not twice as expected, since it maintained the same number of boys, and people just had to wait for their dishes, but no longer sitting and standing.

4 .- Effect Principle - Circulation:
This concept not only applies to organizations, it can also be used for everyday life. Think effect - diffusion is double connotation, it serves to anticipate problems or provide benefits. Is that individuals or organizations to make a decision brings with it consequences that may be beneficial or cause problems.

An entrepreneur decides to open a nightclub in an urban area of \u200b\u200bthe city, will certainly bring benefits to customers, trying to distract and amuse, but it also brings the discomfort of the neighbors will soon launch campaigns against him and against the company.
A football team gets the championship, its achievement will mean that the number of t increase, the company that manufactures sporting goods sold, businesses near the area will have more customers, as greater numbers people will encourage the team.

Without realizing the decisions or events, or bring a cost benefit to our environment.

5 .- Reality Principle:
Money serves as a bargaining chip to buy a product, while receiving salary he helps us to buy certain things, this is called real value, the total of things bought with a certain amount of money.

A college student decides during his spare time working in a pizzeria, where it earns 15 dollars per hour. To assess whether this money is as white or under must compare. In his spare time the student likes to go to the movies and read a magazine. The cost of a movie ticket is 10 sole and the journal is 5, in which case the salary he receives compensation needs. But what if the input value rises to 15 and the magazine 10.? The salary he receives for his work and not seem so high.

why we should keep in mind that it is important that we get many Suns, but rather what we can do or buy with it. Bohemian Trujillo

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ktm Dirtbike Birthday Cake

Color Fill your screen

advertising at the time of HD, a sample of it. Good creativity and great technological advances

"And Then There Was Salsa" from Frito Lay Dips on Vimeo . Bohemian Trujillo

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Someone Explain The Fishsticks Joke

2009 of the Regional Government of Ancash: Details for the debate

By: Richard Moreno Bustos

March 26 For the present, in the city of Chimbote, has been organizing the "Public Hearing on Accountability of Regional Government of Ancash." This event will detail a balance of regional management in 2009, according to the Organic Act requires regional governments.

It is therefore important to take a look at what happened to the budget management of the Regional Government of Ancash (GRA), whose progress in implementation, "general level" reaches 46% which means that in absolute terms a budget of S /. 2, spent $ 173.0 million S /. 987.7 million soles in 2009.

Among all the regional budget items, the most important are the investments. If we focus on the latter, we see that:
shown changes in the budget for "investments" are impressive ; of S /. 255 million originally planned, resources are increased fivefold to reach 1.395 million, this increase originated from the introduction of own resources does not run in 2008, this is the case of the "Remnant Mining Utilities "(S /. 772 million) and more than S /. Canon Minero 330 million.

Continuing investment after running S /. 292 million in the year, we have a balance S /. 1.068 million suns. This detail is important to note, for those appeals pending, not being reversible Treasury will strongly modify the budget that currently manages the GRA in 2010.

have said "balance for investment" in the last year in office, causing accelerated procurement of works and projects with significant amounts which could harm more than benefit their impact, since the trouble in spending be accompanied by greater political pressure, especially in an electoral context.

2009, also at the territorial level, reveals a central profile of investments in the GRA; Even when the pace of investment spending over the previous year, increased by slightly more than twice , Funds executed have concentrated up to 40% (116 million) in the province of Santa, whose population is the most representative department.
This expenditure trend has a contrast with reality: for 71% of local governments have minimal resources for investment and to which so interdistrict and interprovincial, the Regional Government funds could be redirected redistributive policy on investment.

When we reviewed the 519 projects implemented by the GRA, we have 65 of those account for 74% of the investment and spending are over 1 million dollars per project, while the other (454 projects) absorbed only 26% of what was spent, which denotes a significant level of investment spray, which is also reflected in the purchase of 79 ambulances where each purchase was a project, but we also have "significant expenditures" that have been made to finance investment studies.

Have significant funds, few resources have been devoted in many investment projects and also concentrated in only one province, shows the weakness of GRA to plan clear and sustained investment. This set up an institution conducive to authoritarianism, growing corruption, electioneering budget management and disposal continuing to enforce the implementation of projects not yet have the backing of citizenship (VRG Hospital Case of Huaraz).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Dop You Get Herpes In The Nose

Who was Layla Grace? Back

Layla Grace was a little like many living in the United States, along with his parents and 2 sisters, every day we knew it and we were concerned. The life of this little that was between us just 2 years, was successful today because of the cancer than the affection of his young age.
Grace is not the first to suffer a Neuroblastoma Grade 4, but the first to capture the attention of thousands of Internet users, this is because their parents in an attempt desperate attempt to save his daughter decided to create websites, social networking profiles and even a twitter account and go to report all happened to his young daughter every day and reporting each experience. In principle, they had wanted to attract the largest number of donations for treatment, because the HEALTH INSURANCE with which they had, did not cover these treatments.

In the U.S., the public health system is basically controlled by insurers, which literally decide who lives or not, example is the investigation by the Michael Moore documentary .

De Grace Layla could release many issues, including the role of Social Networks in humanitarian cases, to the media ethics in information processing. A history of misconduct is Gooddy Jade Case, which decided to forward the development of cancer through the program known mundialente BIG BROTHER. Layla now in heaven, rest in peace. Trujillo

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Butalbital/apap Caffeine Plus Tabs

Ancash: Increase in mining profits, but what will fall Mining transfers Canon 2010? REGARDING

By Richard Moreno Bustos

projections third-class taxes to state, particular from the extractive industries has been the subject of various comments from experts, especially when data published from the year-end SUNAT shows that income from mining group showed a slightly larger drop of 50% from 2008 and therefore would reduce mining royalties.

But No. The figures show the financial statements of the CONASEV (for Barrick Mishquichilca) and Xstrata (for the case of Antamina) indicate that compared to 2008 the two most important Ancash have increased their profits by 1% and 3% respectively. (1)

happens that companies in the country during the year, had a level of contribution SUNAT very cautious, as the International Crisis began in late 2008, generated considerable uncertainty for 2009. In the case of mining, in January 2009, were concerned about the behavior that would have the price of minerals, hence, to avoid reducing their profits, many companies opted to use cost-reduction strategies (non-renewal of contracts , reduced social spending, delaying expansion, etc..).

Then the income tax in the mining sector will increase, since it is expected an "extraordinary and significant adjustment" of their tax returns until April, which also occur in other sectors.

Estimating the level of utilities of the two most important department, Ancash should expect an increase in transfers of Canon Minero 27% higher over the previous year (2009), ie the Canon Minero for Ancash in 2010 would have to be S /. 1.083 million.

However, all is not said. Knowing the importance of Antamina in the generation of Canon Minero de Ancash (72%), the question arises: What proportion of their profits, Antamina expects to commit the outcome 2009 with the "Reinvestment of profits? Recall that Antamina will reinvest $ 900 million of profits for its expansion project and the state does not collect income tax, which will decrease by 135 million dollars for the Canon Minero Ancash.

La Compañia Minera Antamina has stated that such reinvestment break apart for several years, therefore, the answer to that question will tell us about such decrease of 1.083 million new soles of mining royalties that are estimated to , 2010, "normal."

(1) On the basis of Article de Avila, Gustavo - "2009 was not bad year for Mining" - Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How Do You Style Your Hair Like Dahvie Vanity

The Creation - Making Time (1966) Mod

How To Set Up A Sunfish

The name "mod." comes from the "modernism", understood as an expression and attitude towards life. Mods subculture existed as clear-cut between 1959 and 1965, and their sophistication defined the youth rebellion of that era. They are the authors of an unprecedented lifestyle that was imposed on British culture that still survives, through changes in fashion and music, which are its main axis.

The movement began in the late 50's, when some youths of the suburbs of London, on all boys, belonging to the working class, decided to mark distance from the mass that surrounded them, venting his passion narcissistic. They were interested in the new aesthetic "modern" Italian suits, rhythm & blues and modern jazz.

Modernists were interested, generally, in the styles of Europe: Italian scooter driving, drinking espresso, cut their hair style and saw French New Wave cinema. London frequented the same clubs that students studying French and their clothes. The mods will see themselves as citizens of Europe and the world, rather than simply British residents. The modernists also were intellectuals, and read to the beat poets and writers existentialists.

practiced a philosophy of "clean living under difficult circumstances." They wanted only the best of the best: the best music, the best clothes, the best books, the best means of transport ... are rarely the most expensive or the most popular, although they may be at times.

From its roots in the jazz scene in SOHO 50, passed by the British blues scene, with figures such as Alexis Korner, Rolling Stones, the Animals and the Yardbirds. At that time many discover they are part of a broader movement. American soul dancing and Jamaican ska and bluebeat up some British bands began to play that kind of music. First, groups such as Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames and Geno Washington. After The Small Faces, the Who, the Birds, the Creation, the Action, Graham Bond Organisation and Spencer Davis Group would be the main mod bands.

"Forward and learn" are key words the essence of modernism. Concepts such as movement, action and creation were well established in the minds of the mods and they identified in frantic trips back and forth from the city.

the day, with her scooter full of accessories, visit the shop to improve his looks, the barber shop to adjust the haircut or the business of discs purchase the latest news. Everything was ready for the night, during which they could discuss their latest acquisitions, and hear his unstoppable energy dancing in London clubs or party to party here and there. To always feel hyperkinetic, mods made massive use of pills, amphetamine known as "purple hearts."

The "progress" meant the search for what might be at the forefront of music or clothes, then leave when it was massive and banal. Only in this way could dip into the modern lifestyle, cultivating and progressively refine it by confronting the most sophisticated. This meant "Learn."

The modernist painting underwent some modifications in the early 60's. The jacket, made to measure, took three or four buttons and it was black or tonic. The shirt was usually short neck and rounded edge on the pulse cufflinks were popular. The knot in his tie was narrow. Moccasins could be crocodile skin and other colors. The pint was more casual shirt with the laurel of Fred Perry, Levi's jeans with small folds, the "Desert Boots Clarks," Bowling Shoes "and Ben Sherman shirt. To protect from the weather while traveling on the scooter, wearing the parka adorned with symbols mods like arrows, targets and British flags. Lambretta "third" or "TV" and Vespa "GS" models were used and had many accessories.

Obviously there was also a female version of the mod: the modette. Initially, some men wore clothes as "sta press" Levi's, Perry shirt and moccasins. By the year 65, the mod look of the girls was influenced by the diffusion of "pop art". Born the whole or three-piece dresses, decorated with geometric shapes and bright colors. The style was also characterized by the cutting of hair: smooth, with the race by half or caput.

From the modern phenomenon of 66 significant changes lives. Reclaiming the class origin of the movement against the opening into the middle class, were the hard mods. Away from the psychedelic influence "Swinging London", they took a pint more casual shirt and boots Lonsdale. Preferred to listen to the original ska and then haunt northern soul clubs of Wigan.

The appearance in the music of the Jam's Paul Weller, author of an energetic power pop that does not despise the blues and soul elements, reinvigorated modernism. The "Modfather" Weller as they call it is always a role model: Many divers begin using arrows decorated with shoes and Coke. We

in 79, in the mod revival. In cinemas have Quadrophenia, F. feature Roddam produced by the Who. Despite criticism from more orthodox than point to some stylistic flaws, the film reconstructs the modern life of the 60, showing the various aspects and weak points of disagreement. Thus, in the 80's, parka, scooters and smart suits flourish in numerous events organized throughout Europe. There are new bands like the Chords, Secret Affair and Purple Hearts.

In 1989, the modernist tradition was rediscovered in the new context of "acid jazz", which, unlike the former "Mod revival, kept alive the progressive spirit that has always been the real heart of the main The Mod movement Mod this fourth wave is its integration with the progressive spirit of tradition, wear clothes based on the current fashion for 60, and hear music that reflects current styles and instruments from the 60, while enjoying the original music and fashion. There are also many possibilities for a mod now thirty years of existence of a youth culture has given rise to many variations, each defined by styles ropay musical preferences. The ideal mod

never died, just reinvented itself in different ways: from London in the late 50's, with the beatniks in Soho, and his taste for bebop, and from the elegant mods of the early 60's to the emergence of the skinhead movement and Suedehead that inspired the music and style of 80's bands like Madness, the Beat and the Specials. Is also present in the UK northern soul scene, which saw thousands of young people in the north of England to devote their lives to buy the rarest American soul records, the soulboys of Essex in the late 70's, sportswear casuals early 80's and the acid house scene at the end of the decade. The trendy yet live, many followers of hip hop using the paint of the first modernist jazz. Different names, different clothes, different disks, but all united by a unique perspective of their lifestyle.

budgets missing Today live as the first pioneers of the style, but can be expressed differently. Let's go. In essence, this is also modern.

By: Diego Alcapone
Sources: / modssoria / historia_mod