By: Richard Moreno Bustos
According to the "Regional Competitiveness Index 'in the country, whatever they produced" Peru Compete "or" CENTRUM "(PUCP) Ancash is located in positions 10 and 11 respectively, when compared with the other departments. These measurements, made explicit the position obtained by the Ancash region is due to the significant growth shown in the production and export of minerals without ambargo, the factors considered deficient improve our competitiveness, clearly have to do with the little progress in "Innovation" and in it, on research and technological development.
According to the "Regional Competitiveness Index 'in the country, whatever they produced" Peru Compete "or" CENTRUM "(PUCP) Ancash is located in positions 10 and 11 respectively, when compared with the other departments. These measurements, made explicit the position obtained by the Ancash region is due to the significant growth shown in the production and export of minerals without ambargo, the factors considered deficient improve our competitiveness, clearly have to do with the little progress in "Innovation" and in it, on research and technological development.

Developments in the transfer of mining royalties to the universities of Ancash grew strongly between 2004 and 2008, contrary to this, in the years 2009 and 2010 decreased their allocations, due to the drop in price of some metals (caused by the international financial crisis) and start the process of "Reinvestment Antamina Utilities."
Despite what happened the last two years, roughly the period 2004 - 2010, universities have accumulated Ancash transfer of S /. 257.2 million (each accounted for S /. 128.6 million). However, the level of expenditure of mining royalties over the years (until October 2010) is quite low: in these years ran UNASAM S /. 28 million and the University of Santa has spent only S /. 9.7 million.
Then, the quantities of mining canon "Do not waste" are important: The UNASAM has S/.100 million and the University of Santa has S/.119 million, but those funds are not part of the agenda for dialogue between teachers, students, administrators and community representatives. It seems that the coordinated planning and budgeting equity, which are not mandatory in these instances educators are issues outside of a management practice, despite being responsible for the management of public resources. Exposed
such a situation, it is important to initiate a process of discussion and proposal regarding the "Role to be met by our two universities" and "Proper Use the Canon Minero" in order to enhance scientific and technological research this part of the country. bet the traditional and "isolated" form of action in public universities to society changes.
need to have a political agenda "research" at the department, in perspective, secure inter-agency work between the same universities, regional government, local governments, and companies operating in the department.
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