By: Richard Moreno Bustos

It is therefore important to take a look at what happened to the budget management of the Regional Government of Ancash (GRA), whose progress in implementation, "general level" reaches 46% which means that in absolute terms a budget of S /. 2, spent $ 173.0 million S /. 987.7 million soles in 2009.
Among all the regional budget items, the most important are the investments. If we focus on the latter, we see that:
shown changes in the budget for "investments" are impressive ; of S /. 255 million originally planned, resources are increased fivefold to reach 1.395 million, this increase originated from the introduction of own resources does not run in 2008, this is the case of the "Remnant Mining Utilities "(S /. 772 million) and more than S /. Canon Minero 330 million.
Continuing investment after running S /. 292 million in the year, we have a balance S /. 1.068 million suns. This detail is important to note, for those appeals pending, not being reversible Treasury will strongly modify the budget that currently manages the GRA in 2010.
have said "balance for investment" in the last year in office, causing accelerated procurement of works and projects with significant amounts which could harm more than benefit their impact, since the trouble in spending be accompanied by greater political pressure, especially in an electoral context.
2009, also at the territorial level, reveals a central profile of investments in the GRA; Even when the pace of investment spending over the previous year, increased by slightly more than twice , Funds executed have concentrated up to 40% (116 million) in the province of Santa, whose population is the most representative department.
This expenditure trend has a contrast with reality: for 71% of local governments have minimal resources for investment and to which so interdistrict and interprovincial, the Regional Government funds could be redirected redistributive policy on investment.
This expenditure trend has a contrast with reality: for 71% of local governments have minimal resources for investment and to which so interdistrict and interprovincial, the Regional Government funds could be redirected redistributive policy on investment.
When we reviewed the 519 projects implemented by the GRA, we have 65 of those account for 74% of the investment and spending are over 1 million dollars per project, while the other (454 projects) absorbed only 26% of what was spent, which denotes a significant level of investment spray, which is also reflected in the purchase of 79 ambulances where each purchase was a project, but we also have "significant expenditures" that have been made to finance investment studies.
Have significant funds, few resources have been devoted in many investment projects and also concentrated in only one province, shows the weakness of GRA to plan clear and sustained investment. This set up an institution conducive to authoritarianism, growing corruption, electioneering budget management and disposal continuing to enforce the implementation of projects not yet have the backing of citizenship (VRG Hospital Case of Huaraz).
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