Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Dop You Get Herpes In The Nose

Who was Layla Grace? Back

Layla Grace was a little like many living in the United States, along with his parents and 2 sisters, every day we knew it and we were concerned. The life of this little that was between us just 2 years, was successful today because of the cancer than the affection of his young age.
Grace is not the first to suffer a Neuroblastoma Grade 4, but the first to capture the attention of thousands of Internet users, this is because their parents in an attempt desperate attempt to save his daughter decided to create websites, social networking profiles and even a twitter account and go to report all happened to his young daughter every day and reporting each experience. In principle, they had wanted to attract the largest number of donations for treatment, because the HEALTH INSURANCE with which they had, did not cover these treatments.

In the U.S., the public health system is basically controlled by insurers, which literally decide who lives or not, example is the investigation by the Michael Moore documentary .

De Grace Layla could release many issues, including the role of Social Networks in humanitarian cases, to the media ethics in information processing. A history of misconduct is Gooddy Jade Case, which decided to forward the development of cancer through the program known mundialente BIG BROTHER. Layla now in heaven, rest in peace. Trujillo


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