By: Richard Moreno Bustos
Criticism of subnational governments (regional and local) in relation to managed investment budget and not spend gradually came to describe as "inability to spend."
Today, several candidates are already beginning to launch arguments are concerned.
Regarding the expenditure side, one notes the absence of a discourse on the "quality" of it. Mention for example: "There is money to spare and needed spending power" or, "let's spend that money because it is a sin to have resources stored there so much need in the department" or "I'm going to spend it because I have experience," etc.

Regarding the expenditure side, one notes the absence of a discourse on the "quality" of it. Mention for example: "There is money to spare and needed spending power" or, "let's spend that money because it is a sin to have resources stored there so much need in the department" or "I'm going to spend it because I have experience," etc.
Although each sentence might make some sense, the fact is that we do not need a government " spender." Management is required not only to focus on implementing what has adjudicated budget, which is precisely the profile of the outgoing management authorities, and if so, others would insist on achieving autonomy and making progress with fiscal decentralization.
Some questions about the investment spending should respond to our candidates could be:
• What would be the names of major projects on which they must concentrate our efforts?
• How is Participatory Budgeting
• How is Participatory Budgeting
• Do we need an organization external (type OEI) to bid?
• How to spend what you have, such that leverage more funds for investment in the area? (That is, if we have S /. 1.000 million how do we ensure that, with other public and private, the investment made in the department is, for example S /. 2.5 billion?)
I mentioned, logically have to do with the possibilities planning and exercise of power with the institutions in its territory. We have seen that there are serious limitations in the way governments are organized in Ancash, which is not allowed to bring a level of proper planning (for this reason the Coordinated Development Plan does not apply to the steps).
In conclusion, it is increasingly important that our naive, until today they improvise and do not seem to have made even his "government plan", setting out best and creative alternatives to the problems of investment management. That will require review and learn a little more reality Ancash, but above all be clear management of public affairs after the process of decentralization and given a scenario to generate significant financial resources by mining.
In conclusion, it is increasingly important that our naive, until today they improvise and do not seem to have made even his "government plan", setting out best and creative alternatives to the problems of investment management. That will require review and learn a little more reality Ancash, but above all be clear management of public affairs after the process of decentralization and given a scenario to generate significant financial resources by mining.
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