Richard Moreno Bustos
whereas the views in the last few hours has been going on the possibility that Antamina, thanks to you have tax stability agreement, to be eligible for a program that was repealed in 2000, it is important to bear in mind certain evidence.
alternatives can not throw empty and without any technical criteria and legal words, over the issue. Invent mechanisms remain outside to generate rules only lead to confusion among citizens.
is important to note that tax stability contracts have the force of law and its removal implies extreme to change the constitution.
These contracts have been benefiting the mining company and the forgiving of taxes to the company during the initial period to recoup their investment (3 years prior to 2004). That is, what is produced now, out of operating expenses, only gain.
tax stability contracts has also allowed not to pay "Mining Royalties" (1), because there is a legal interpretation that these companies also have administrative stability.
Now Antamina's request to reverse its future profits, must lead to specific positions, and where the level of debate and proposals should focus on the political and socioeconomic. Ie
be understood incentive programs that have repealed obeyed a context of high investment risk. Now to expand investment risks are significantly reduced.
Talkcapacity in government spending has nothing to do with the "state" retains its capacity to collect and allow it to continue funding the works and projects. This debate has its place and time.
have to extend the topic by the fore the role of the mining sector in the regional interest. Is the mining should be an enclave or a development partner for Ancashino?
For the dimension that has Antamina (ten times more than Barrick Mishquichilca), the income tax collected from this enterprise is crucial in the transfer fee to Ancash. If the utilities can be tripled (as partners listed company) and is a safe investment, the state can not afford to lose $ 276 million in a "good deal" for the company.
The fact is that Antamina, one of the most profitable companies in the country in a responsible position and committed to Ancash, must finance its expansion project with loans or part of the huge profits made by its shareholders in recent aƱos.Esta time does not touch the state, it is up to business!
(1) The "mineral royalties" are not a tax but a payment "for the extraction of non-renewable resources (According to the Court Constitution).
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