By: Richard Moreno Bustos
similar in months (November), last year I did an article that revealed the reservoir of funds from mining royalties and also in the two public universities in the department of Ancash (UNASAM and SANTA). However it seems that the issue is still staying out of the discussion agenda, especially within the two upper houses of study.
To start an annual transfers are supposed to have been delivered to universities, between 2004 and 2009, must have accumulated more than S/.109 million each.
What is surprising is that they now institutions seem to be unaware of the extent of funds that should have seen the last 6 years. Recall that the supply of mining royalties to the universities is done through the Regional Government, ie first regional government gives 25% of Ancash fee for that course, he transferred one-fifth of those resources to universities public automatically and equally.
What has been happening? UNASAM Why, for example, states have only 54 million of fees earned?
This quickly leads to two officials, on one hand the regional government that does not meet to make such transfers automatically and the other to the universities does not seem very interested in the subject.
Additionally, although not regularly receiving the canon that "law" they belong, we see that performance levels are quite low. To get an idea, the successful implementation almost 5 years reaches far to little more than S /. 4 million new soles.
should be noted that the problem is not only authorities but also of students, teachers and university graduates, who are required to put in debate, especially, the use must have the funds and that progressively will be reducing due to the effects of international economic crisis on the mining industry.
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