Well that usually or used to enter this blog, have noticed it has been nearly 2 months without any updates, and not that interesting things have not been told that I could have counted, photographed or videotaped, but that the various activities and work done in this short time, I stayed away from the updates.
For those who want to know, among the activities that I usually make in order to live decently, I'm in the consulting business here in the city of Trujillo, especially MYPES calls. Similarly I was hired as General Editor of the Portal HITSMUSICALES.COM, which has a lot of visitors (around a thousand a day), and well along with 3 colleagues, initially, we encargábamos to keep abreast of new releases the captive audience that has that page.
In Trujillo have been a number of cultural and entertainment events, to which I attended, unfortunately for being absent left to hang some pictures that portray what happened. Among which I remember with special affection are The International Dance Festival typically organized by the National University of Trujillo, this event brought several international delegations, European, American and even a South African delegation.
Thanks to this event could be reunited with Paola, a friend years ago and that way not because of the event may travel to Trujillo.
Another event, busy and interesting for me was a sin not to have posted anything about the parade was the first conducted in early October, was the first time I saw him completely and I liked it best in the company two beautiful people and friends: Brenda and Marielle.

Well ... the other days I spent traveling or working. In closing I leave you with the presentation of adal ramones in Trujillo, in my opinion a very good and entertaining show from beginning to end, which lasted 3 hours his show left us with many new energy and desire to go out and live life very happy. This event was attended with Brendita, good company and best of all fans of adal.
And lest we be left with the desire to continue listening to a little over adal ramones, leave you with one of my favorite monologues.
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