Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy 25th Birthday Clip Are

Antamina: Last of the municipalities

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
Today December 18, 7 mayors met provincial and district mayors 6 of the 166 existing municipalities in Ancash, and have decided to form a "commission" that would have a conversation with Antamina it - to join the program Repeal of " reinvestment of profits "in which the state would lose $ 276 million and Ancash not perceive half (138 million ) - give them a" compensation. "
Look, 8% of the municipal authorities have decided to form and send a commission to get "little something" to the mining company. Ie the problem of representation is evident again, and it happens that the leadership and coordination between authorities is worrying Ancash, how was the call? They have gathered primarily those that receive more canon in Ancash, and where are the poorest municipalities and that will be most affected?
Local governments receive Canon Minero, but also the Regional Government and the universities, where are they? ..
It seems that these mayors are given the slogan for the intentions of Antamina accomplished, divided and ready to accept the fate that lay ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

V For Vendetta Quotes November

behavior of Latinos in the era of Web 2.0

After sailing this afternoon by the net, I came across this interesting study by Digital Trends Web , here we find some interesting data on how Latinos use the internet. It is noteworthy that this study was based on more of 28,000 interviews with Internet users speaking between July and September 2009.

Among the most outstanding are the segmentation could be found due to applications, we have: 46% use the internet to socialize in a social network or IM, 22% denominated in addition to socializing enthusiastic comment and participate in social networks , 20% are called CREATORS users that are generated online content through a blog, video or photos, they are constantly informed and finally the Corporate Group with 12% looking to take advantage of social networks to position your company or your professional profile.

The detailed study will be found in the next slide.

View more presentations from Digital Trends . Bohemian Trujillo

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maltese With Ringworm

And who is hurt if you lower the Ancash mining royalties? CANON IN ANCASH

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
possible way of reinvestment of profits in Antamina. I.
Mining royalties in the Regional Government, Municipalities and Universities of Ancash, on average accounts for 97% of their budgets to make investments. So, any decline in these resources will jeopardize the possibilities for profiling, maintain and carry out public works.
ii. A few are more affected than others. Because some are dramatically more canon than most municipalities.
iii. The distribution of mining royalties Ancash causes it to focus only on some local governments, either because they are producing districts or because they have enough population. For example, in 2009 local governments that are perceived more canon: San Marcos (S /. 122 million), Santa (S/.42 million), Chavin de Huantar (S /. 34 million), Independence (S / . 33millones), Huari (S/.26 million), Nuevo Chimbote (S/.23 million), Huaraz (S /. 20 million).
iv. Between the governments "more benefits" we have those who are building their canon and which for many reasons "can not afford." V.
Of the 166 municipalities that have Ancash, 63% (102) receives less two million soles annually, to the point of many local governments exist whose transfer is 838 times less than what it perceives San Marcos (perceived Cajamarquilla 130 000 soles per year).
So in a scenario where the fee reduces what could be the future of the investments of the 102 local governments to pick up some money for canon? Who speaks for them at the negotiating table where you slide the possibility that Antamina deliver a "Pence Mining?
The authorities and political leaders in the region have the word ...

5000 Units Is How Many Ml


By: Richard Moreno Bustos

While searching
Antamina mining company that is not benefiting from a program that allows repealed reinvest the profits without paying tax, we see that some authorities see this as an opportunity to take advantage of negotiating with the same mining company.
Some notes:
1. Slightly more than 13 mayors are solely representative of the 166 municipalities that receive mining royalties Ancash and are accepting a mite (synonym of gift or alms). Ie they want to change a law for a handout.
2. These authorities will now leave office, they are considering seeking an agreement with the company so that it sees a different mechanism for funding expanded of your project (U.S. $ 930 million), such as investing the proceeds so far (more than U.S. $ 6.300 million), but have greater resources beyond what the rules allow them to spend.
3. The "incentive program" repealed which you want to host Antamina (because they have tax stability contract), responding to a radically different scenario now, as in the 90 had instability and economic situation was difficult and risky investment.
4. Antamina is one of the most profitable companies in the country. The business of extending the project is very profitable and secure. You do not need any incentive program.
5. If the company invests $ 920 million it will recover, but if the state does not collect the tax (30%), that if the state does not recover, and Antamina will have saved $ 276 million. If the fee will double or triple with the expansion of Antamina, it means that your profits multiply.
6 .- In statements broadcast said that we are arguing that the fee will "eliminate" this is not true, the charge is not removed but will decrease by approximately $ 130 million. Antamina

That will give us an example of commitment to the development of Ancash and not to insist to reinvest their profits, but sees a different funding mechanism has requested in the Ministry of Energy and Mines ...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Schematic

charity: Profit Reinvestment

Richard Moreno Bustos

whereas the views in the last few hours has been going on the possibility that Antamina, thanks to you have tax stability agreement, to be eligible for a program that was repealed in 2000, it is important to bear in mind certain evidence.

  1. alternatives can not throw empty and without any technical criteria and legal words, over the issue. Invent mechanisms remain outside to generate rules only lead to confusion among citizens.

  2. is important to note that tax stability contracts have the force of law and its removal implies extreme to change the constitution.

  3. These contracts have been benefiting the mining company and the forgiving of taxes to the company during the initial period to recoup their investment (3 years prior to 2004). That is, what is produced now, out of operating expenses, only gain.

  4. tax stability contracts has also allowed not to pay "Mining Royalties" (1), because there is a legal interpretation that these companies also have administrative stability.

  5. Now Antamina's request to reverse its future profits, must lead to specific positions, and where the level of debate and proposals should focus on the political and socioeconomic. Ie

    • be understood incentive programs that have repealed obeyed a context of high investment risk. Now to expand investment risks are significantly reduced.

    • Talk
      capacity in government spending has nothing to do with the "state" retains its capacity to collect and allow it to continue funding the works and projects. This debate has its place and time.

    • have to extend the topic by the fore the role of the mining sector in the regional interest. Is the mining should be an enclave or a development partner for Ancashino?

    • For the dimension that has Antamina (ten times more than Barrick Mishquichilca), the income tax collected from this enterprise is crucial in the transfer fee to Ancash. If the utilities can be tripled (as partners listed company) and is a safe investment, the state can not afford to lose $ 276 million in a "good deal" for the company.

The fact is that Antamina, one of the most profitable companies in the country in a responsible position and committed to Ancash, must finance its expansion project with loans or part of the huge profits made by its shareholders in recent años.Esta time does not touch the state, it is up to business!

(1) The "mineral royalties" are not a tax but a payment "for the extraction of non-renewable resources (According to the Court Constitution).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Emergency Dentist Dublin Toothache

Thousand Apologies! DISCOUNTS

Well that usually or used to enter this blog, have noticed it has been nearly 2 months without any updates, and not that interesting things have not been told that I could have counted, photographed or videotaped, but that the various activities and work done in this short time, I stayed away from the updates.

For those who want to know, among the activities that I usually make in order to live decently, I'm in the consulting business here in the city of Trujillo, especially MYPES calls. Similarly I was hired as General Editor of the Portal HITSMUSICALES.COM, which has a lot of visitors (around a thousand a day), and well along with 3 colleagues, initially, we encargábamos to keep abreast of new releases the captive audience that has that page.

In Trujillo have been a number of cultural and entertainment events, to which I attended, unfortunately for being absent left to hang some pictures that portray what happened. Among which I remember with special affection are The International Dance Festival typically organized by the National University of Trujillo, this event brought several international delegations, European, American and even a South African delegation.

Thanks to this event could be reunited with Paola, a friend years ago and that way not because of the event may travel to Trujillo.

Another event, busy and interesting for me was a sin not to have posted anything about the parade was the first conducted in early October, was the first time I saw him completely and I liked it best in the company two beautiful people and friends: Brenda and Marielle.

Well ... the other days I spent traveling or working. In closing I leave you with the presentation of adal ramones in Trujillo, in my opinion a very good and entertaining show from beginning to end, which lasted 3 hours his show left us with many new energy and desire to go out and live life very happy. This event was attended with Brendita, good company and best of all fans of adal.

And lest we be left with the desire to continue listening to a little over adal ramones, leave you with one of my favorite monologues.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How To Rid Blue Capillaries On Lip?

Canon Antamina Mining: Universities and Santa

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
similar in months (November), last year I did an article that revealed the reservoir of funds from mining royalties and also in the two public universities in the department of Ancash (UNASAM and SANTA). However it seems that the issue is still staying out of the discussion agenda, especially within the two upper houses of study.
To start an annual transfers are supposed to have been delivered to universities, between 2004 and 2009, must have accumulated more than S/.109 million each.
What is surprising is that they now institutions seem to be unaware of the extent of funds that should have seen the last 6 years. Recall that the supply of mining royalties to the universities is done through the Regional Government, ie first regional government gives 25% of Ancash fee for that course, he transferred one-fifth of those resources to universities public automatically and equally.
What has been happening? UNASAM Why, for example, states have only 54 million of fees earned?
This quickly leads to two officials, on one hand the regional government that does not meet to make such transfers automatically and the other to the universities does not seem very interested in the subject.
Additionally, although not regularly receiving the canon that "law" they belong, we see that performance levels are quite low. To get an idea, the successful implementation almost 5 years reaches far to little more than S /. 4 million new soles.
should be noted that the problem is not only authorities but also of students, teachers and university graduates, who are required to put in debate, especially, the use must have the funds and that progressively will be reducing due to the effects of international economic crisis on the mining industry.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Make My Northface Fluffy Again

Cinemark - PERU

Bohemian Like the previous occasion Cinemark season brings some discounts for this season's must-see movies, and know them, print, and go to the movies. Valid until 15 November.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Acorrostic Poem About Summer

Between 25 most visited BLOGSPERU (Miscellaneous)

Grata was my surprise to discover today that my blog is among the 25 most visited in the category Miscellaneous Blog Directory `s most important national level, this is only a stimulus to continue posting and publishing notes and those that already I have used. Thank you very much for your visits.

Indeed the exact location is the number 23, who would say that what began as a game is paying off now! Bohemian Trujillo

Friday, September 11, 2009

Whats The Correct Way To Wear A Clddagh Ring

September 11 Chilean

On completion 36 years of the coup in Chile, where General Pinochet took control of the government, the memories are still intact in its population since the assassination of Salvador Allende and its form of government, the Southern country was a turning point in its history.

While the excesses committed by members of the armed forces, this system resulted in the long run, a series of social and economic changes, they did develop and change the lifestyle of the population, although they still retain many of the original problems, some of them have already been exceeded.

truth in all this little reflection, is that despite the time elapsed the Chilean people is divided on this shot shows it was a referendum to return to democratic government which is consulted if you should continue or not with the military government, giving a very tight indeed results (53% NO against 47% SI).

Anyway ... The story serves to remind us what is good and hand made by our ancestors as they pass through this world.

I leave you with two interesting videos: the first a collection of photographs that recreate what happened in that period. The second is a video of Peru Agency.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 6b Fingerprinting

Talking about Web 2.0 and

As I wrote in my previous blog, this 14 September will be held in Trujillo 1st Successful Leaders meeting, this time addressed the issue of Advantages and Opportunities provided to us by Web 2.0. For this reason we interviewed the person in charge of organizing this exciting event, Mr. Daniel Paredes.

responsible Exhibitors will share their experiences:
  • Scott Mercker (the million-dollar man fastest in history)
  • Luis Landeros (20 years of experience in digital media and new tegnologias)
Enjoy the following video.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Are There Bathhouses In Sacramento

Conference [CONFERENCE] Doing business online?: Threats and Opportunities of Web 2.0

For the first time in Trujillo: International Meeting of Successful Leaders. This meeting will feature two internationally recognized leaders to come to share their experiences with the participants at this event, is expected to draw 900 people, including businessmen and university students from Trujillo, Chiclayo and Chimbote.

will be exposed this Sept. 14, from United States Scott Mercker, known internationally as Man of the Million Dollar fastest in history, and from Mexico, Mr. Luis Ricardo Landeros finance and marketing specialist with over 20 years experience in technology, internet and communications.

can to click the image and view the official event poster
As you can see an interesting meeting, which seeks to generate awareness and development among the participants, to take the necessary information this new digital age, knowing the opportunities and threats of the so-called Web 2.0.

already know the quote is this September 14 and there will be two horio to attend, 5pm and 7pm. Be held in the auditorium of the Advocate's House, located in Independence 791. The tickets are being sold on the avenue's Janus Spain and establishments located close to major universities in the city. Bohemian Trujillo

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Forgot My Cat Registration Number


With participation of nearly 400 players, was launched this August 29, the first match of PES 2009, on the second floor of Plaza Real shopping center. Among the participants could find people of all ages, but mainly competitors between 20 and 30.

continues this exciting tournament seeks to find the 3 representatives who will go to Lima to win this tournament.

is important to mention the excellent organization of the event, for it installed flat screen TVs 6 competition and 2 TVs for attendees to try different games that can be used throughout platform Play Station 3. On the first day of meetings started from 10 am for over twelve hours and developed the games of the first, second and third phase of elimination.

Finally I leave you with a little note I made about the event and some pictures plotted what happened yesterday

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Accurate Is A Hiv Test After 6 Weeks

The Britney Trujillana and Magic World

Magic World is a children's program on regional TV, which airs on weekends in these 3 years is in the air, have been growing both in its cast, as in their artistic and technological example of this was the video made by Ada Azucena (9 years) one of its "astifis" (part of the dance team of the program) which mimics Britney Spears in her Toxic video.

Full Video

is worth mentioning that Rafael Bustamante, program director and producer of the video clip has led the program through various channels of television address, pasndo by North Satellite Channel, up to channel 15, is a graduate of the School of Communications of UPAO and participated in various national advertising campaigns.

undoubtedly a very talented program this week has been praised in the program Magaly Te Ve, drawing the attention of journalists and people on national television for the technical quality of the clip.

Now I leave you with an excerpt of what you see Magaly said about them in your program.

Magic World Blog:

and to close a program video Wizarding World:
Bohemian Trujillo

Friday, August 21, 2009

Will I Get A W2 For Diability

New Development in Cinemark - Trujillo and "Transporter 3"

few days ago I arrived in my inbox an email from Cinemark announcing some promotions and new releases, pleasing my surprise, that the review found a printable coupon where announcing a promotion for 2 tickets film for 10 soles. Go ..! not miss the opportunity and went to the movies, accompanied by K. Incidentally, the film seemed too good to enjoy a movie in the most tranquil.

Here is the coupon to print it the day you go, do not ask for any requirement and it is best to also earn points ... go .. well with the cherry.

Ahh indeed the movie I saw was "Transporter 3" Very entertaining and go without saying that there were explosions and action at all times. Well I leave you with the trailer so enjoy it.

Pink Sticker On My Cell Phone

Simpson to the Angolan

Go ...! surfed the net I came across this image from The Simpsons, this image is a promo for Angola, announcing its next issue in this African country. The Simpsons has been broadcast in over 90 countries. Bohemian Trujillo

Monday, August 10, 2009

Phlegm And Orang Juice

conversation with Marcelo: On the Beginnings of Cinema in Trujillo

Conversation Dany with Marcelo Paredes Vera, Researcher of the History of Cinema trujillo. In this talk reveals aspects related to the beginnings of cinema in our city and how it evolved over time, so it makes a comparison of the film industry in the early years of last season and our times, where they abound are multiplexes.

Enjoy the video and do not forget to comment and give their input on this interesting research which has taken place in our city and seeks to collect some of the history of Trujillo.

Bohemian Trujillo

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does The Nysc Give Student Discounts

Visiting Royal Plaza [The Tunnel]

After a long weekend due to the holidays for national holidays, commenting to return part of what is one of the busiest commercial centers in our city, this time spoke with Frezzi Astrid Enciso and tunnel Huertas on terror, one of the attractions offered Happy Land to entertain young and old.

should be noted that Frezzi Astrid and entering for the first time, which caused them good impression, but from my perception, it was the second time I entered, was a bit disappointing because it had no news after visiting her 3 months, remained the same sequences. Another critical issue is the waiting time to enter, because on average, since I bought my ticket (S./5.00) until you login, you will spend 20 min .

Finally, a nice experience but to visit for the first time, we hope to return with better news and to improve waiting time, but nevertheless is an interesting place to visit. Bohemian Trujillo

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Long Do I Have To File Georgia Unemployment

Cesar Acuña and disrespect

After Failed attendance and little diffusion of the "march of Mayors in the city of Lima, the mayor of the Municipality Provincial Cesar Acuña Trujillo returned in a bad mood and attacked the local press that he consulted on FAILURE OF INITIATIVE.

The alleged claim refers to the lack of money they are receiving from the Central Government, a figure very curious, because until now the municipal governments have been receiving no less than 12 billion soles for works in their respective localities, of which so far come or investment gastand works 3 BILLION Suns. This shows a lack of ideas and proposals for investment spending of Public Works. This information was announced by the s Mask Magazine in its latest edition.

We can only say that the Mayor Trujillo provincial and R ECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY CESAR VALLEJO, all I wanted was included at the national level, but due to the sudden death of Marco Antonio stylist had no response in the media that he had desired.

Then some news reports of SUN TV , Showing Acuña lacking respect for a journalist and after supporters of APP ("Alliance for Progress"?) Up to the bus UNIVERSIDAD CESAR VALLEJO that would lead to Trujillo to the city of Lima to participate in this ridiculous way.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Averetec 1000 Series Wireless Drivers

days very busy ...

Because these days of final exams and end-dos cycle ... I stopped posting ... I have today my latest review, which I hope to pass successfully . Soon be back with new songs, reviews and reports, while leaving you with an interview I conducted Friends TRUJILLOTEVE , after the event Blogs, Twitter and Facebook organized by my school, enjoy it .

For users of Facebook , here is a direct video link:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby Footprints Tattoo

My impressions on the workshop

a week complications and hardships inherent in life in gener university al, tom me é a tie mpo to discuss what was the event we hold in conjunction with the faculty: "Workshop: Blog, Twitter and Facebook , arlos learn to growth. " As can a prides itself in images had an acceptable response to s and the first time there is an event of this kind in Trujillo, among those attending were the Rector of the university, the Dean of the Faculty of Communications , journalists, bloggers Trujillo and one or friend interested as would expose .

The first speaker was the Communicator and teaching faculty Carlos Gonzales he tried with great skill the subject of blogs, even took the time to create one in the presence of attendees, their intervention had a time of 40 minutes.

The following exhibit was me, where I discussed the topic of Twitter and social networks, all I did my presentation through Google Docs and also had a duration of 40 minutes on average. At first I felt some nerves, but with the passing of minutes I could hold in what he said. The following photo is proof of that.

Kalun Then Mr. Lau stated that I think was that more attention and sensation caused by its interaction with the public, just to next photo was taken during his speech and taught us live or from your mobile phone could publish both on facebook, twitter and flickr.

the end of the respective interview for friends TRUJILLO TE VE, which went to cover the event, will soon be posting the video of the meeting concerned.

At the request of one of the attendees, here are the slides from my presentation. I hope not the last time you organize such events in UPAO .

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Great Mandingo Blackman


Tomorrow Thursday July 2, will be held in the Auditorium of Hall H Private University Antenor Orrego the conference: Learning to optimize internet: Blogs, twitter and Facebook .

Ente the topics include:
* major communities.

* WHAT IS TweetDeck?


* Getting the most out of your network.

Exhibitors for this event are:

Carlos Gonzales Moreno (Director of News Portal Trujillo )

Richard Huertas
Enciso (Winner of Blogs, Faculty of Communications UPAO )
Kalun Lau Gan (Professor at the School of Electronics Professional )

are all invited. Bohemian Trujillo

Saturday, March 21, 2009

R4 Soulsilver Event Pokemon Cheat

The Velvet Undeground in Boston, 1967 is a movie sound and color, 33 minutes that is being restored thanks to a grant received by the Warhol Museum. Bestiallll!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Acrostic Poems I Am Canada

Concerts in New York for download.

Interesting site to download concerts in the New York area. FLAC quality. Nyctaper

Desert Eagle Mother Of Pearl Grips

nyctaper Bootlegs & Rarities: Television Richard Hell Tom Verlaine Tom Verlaine Richard Lloyd

The Neon Boys - That's All I Know (Right Now) (1973) or or http://www.megaupload . com /? d = FEDCEAE7 or or

TELEVISION AND RICHARD HELL - Poor Circulation rehearsal/demo and live recordings with Richard Hell, December 1973 to April 1975. or



TELEVISION - Nights To Remember 1975 Live At Piccadilly Inn, Cleveland 25th-26th July 1975 (128 kps)

Television - Live at Mother's, New York, NY (10/19/75)

Richard Hell - 1976 - Another World/Blank Generation/You Gotta Lose 7'' (Ork in US, Stiff in UK) or

TELEVISION - Knockin' on heaven's doors - Live at CBGB'S 30th July 1976

Television - Live in Hartsdale, NY AUGUST 31 1977 71mb

password for rapidshare: sparkyibew

Television - Ticket That Exploded At The Earth Tavern in Portland, Oregon 2nd July 197889 mb @ 192

Television - This Case Is Closed The First Farewell - Bottom Line, NYC 29th July 1978FLAC version 568 mb: Password is
mp3 version 106 mb @ 192

TELEVISION: The Blow-Up (live 1978, various locations) pass = hangoverheartattack

Tom Verlaine - Live in Rouen, France 17th April 1987

Television - Live at the Academy NYC 1992 (2003 CD)

Richard Lloyd - Live at The Empty Bottle, Chicago, IL 22nd June 2001

Dog Wants To Be In My Face

Lorenza Izzo dressed by Richard Solis

Lorenza Izzo Rosita Parsons daughter in a news release issued by the La Tercera newspaper last January.
The shirt that looks like I made it about two years ago and were used by the people of Rosita agency, clear that "tijeretiada" was for the production of these pictures, not all in that agency so they went, ajajaja.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forgot To Claim Unemployment Benefits

patti smith

Monday, February 2, 2009

Can I Fly Abroad In A Plane With Glaucoma?


"In the name of God is always good to start ... start ..."
(Quote of the Peru's black folklore)
Huaraya Manuel Palma, Richard Moreno Bustos Paredes Edver Milla, Ricardo Espinoza Castelo.

began in 2009, and with it the renewal of the spirit Ancash citizens winning the regional off towards social development. Precisely in the search to harness those charged wills "añonuevinas" suggest some common themes for a regional agenda of civil society for this coming year.

Prepare the department to withstand the global economic crisis: "A Plan to Resist Crisis"

economic crisis beyond the good wishes of President Garcia, also affect our country and our department. Knowing that financial events are reflected in the real economy, not immediately, their effects should be felt in Ancash still a small percentage this year.
Our main resource is the mining canon suffer a reduction of about 20% [1] , because mining companies have begun to reduce their income by lower international prices of metals were directed mainly to China and India. The effect referred to as a result of 2008 is not as strong since the fall of the stock exchanges in the world, affecting prices from the month of October, meaning that the profits of mining companies were not disturbed significantly, which implies that taxes are being paid to the treasury, as income tax, either.
This situation of relative privilege which we enjoy the Ancash, by significant amounts mining royalties transferred to subnational governments, the remnants of mining profits handed to regional government, the resources available in the Employment Fund and the Mining Program of Solidarity with the People also, added border in 2009 approximately 3.500 million new soles they demand of us to design specific strategies to counter the raw moments of global economic problems, which are coming with greater intensity by mid-year without fail. Finishing the charm of significant transfers of mining royalties and other, in 2010 we return to our stark reality.
The debate in the country is open, with the measures of "Anti-Crisis Plan" proposed by the government and all national, regional and local authorities to take or refrain from adopting the decision makers during the period of uncertainty has already opened in our economic history. Saving measures and no debt on families certainly will not be sufficient, in the case of our regional and municipal governments will need to increase public investment but also of better quality and effectiveness with the purposes of generating employment and further improve education services and health prevention, promoting food security and sovereignty.
The consultation and dialogue between representatives of civil society and authorities, shedding Flag antagonistic policies and positions will be the basis for designing a practical set of measures that reflect a "resistance Plan Ancash Crisis", which should give us greater possibilities at this stage of the economic recession.

Put human development and achievement in education and health and social development support
Protect the future of the country and the region will go through the dedication and determination that we put an investment in health and education (more than just provide them with infrastructure and / or equipment), for this we as an important support point, strategic programs Budget Results, but also regional tools such as the Regional Education Project of Ancash (PER Ancash), Local Educational Projects (PELs) and concerted plan of Health, Poverty Reduction, Action for Children, Equal Opportunities (under construction) and the Food Security Strategy.
is of vital importance to generate an intense community mobilization and health education, both directly and through their representatives, to promote their involvement in participatory budgeting, improving their capacity to formulate project ideas and to surveillance and monitoring investment and the provision of local education and health services, especially in rural areas of the department, in the imperative that we have to strengthen institutional entrepreneurship and a culture of accountability effective.
Councils have been formed Participatory Health and Education to regional and local level, some of them have started their work, showing progress in the generation of public policies and experiences in promoting impact; For this reason, must be linked into networks internal and inter-on the basis of a territorial approach to promote and enhance their results. Dar

safe and irreversible steps in the process of decentralization in Ancash

The most successful political reform called the democratic period that starts with Toledo and continues today with Garcia has been the decentralization.
We have a regional government, even if we are not yet a region. This has allowed us to advance in levels of autonomy as a department, with the transfer, even incomplete, functions and skills sector and social programs from the national level, with resource management as the Canon Minero and others which should in theory be generating better conditions for sustainable human development, which still requires much analysis.
On the other hand, has formalized the participation of civil society in areas such as the CCR, CCL, Concerted Development Plans and Participatory Budgeting, it has yet to be strengthened. Now citizens play a leading role in making decisions. However
for this decentralization needs to be strengthened further to the formation of true regions, with the union of one or more departments in the so-called "macro regions", this is not only formal, legal or technical, is fundamentally a process social construction begins with the articulation of economic dynamics, with the integration of groups social, home territories which make up new territorial spaces that will lead to new political forms of governance and management. This stage in our case is extremely late, we have the announcement of the formation of a pilot region Huanuco and Ucayali, and the holding of a referendum for approval risks end up being deprecated.
This year will test the process, or advance in their construction, or walk to a new frustration. The new can be the involvement of different actors of civil society, to give you another face and it will fly to success. This possibility will also have a lot to do with levels of governance democracy promoted by the Regional Government of Ancash and assume responsibility for social organizations and institutions of public and private sector, so far this factor is hampered by a slightly open management and convener of the regional authorities to work outside of areas of interest organized civil society, especially of the mountains, threatening the sustainability and institutionalization of these issues vital to our development department.

initiate effective action to adapt to climate change impacts

The land crisis is a universal misery, is a fact that affects us all and all without exception, do not escape the race, creed, political affiliation or economic status, it transcends the economic difficulties which may impact short-term and to be overcome in the short and medium term, it will not happen with the climate change crisis, which has its origin in the evolution of the human species and the wrong behaviors we have men in general, against nature, but especially the industrialized countries continue to pollute the atmosphere irresponsibly to worldwide.
In the case of Ancash, the effects of climate change can be foreseen this very serious, as the source of life is water, begins scarce due to the reduction of the mass chain glacial peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, which in turn is constituted by its beautiful landscape the main attraction of tourism, economic source of many families in the Ancash highlands, as well as farming, as well as food source and trade of our people.
in different forums have discussed the issue but mitigating actions are not appreciated and this year from organized spaces of civil society and from public and private institutions must begin to implement policies that generate massive commitments in this regard. Rural communities and cities that are located in the path of watershed play an important role in the conservation and wise use of resources like water.
Moreover, some public institutions and businesses use these important sources of life and waste dumps. In our department there are shameful examples which should not be imitated, and this is a responsibility that civil society should assume a caretaker role.

deepen citizen participation, monitoring, combating poverty and corruption

space regional and municipal politics in the field of decision making has been innovated the past 6 years with the institutionalization of the participation of organized civil society in the processes of participatory budgeting and concerted formulation of Regional Development Plans and municipal. This has expanded the public sphere, the strengthening of democracy and greater openness to transparency in the use of state resources.
political system reforms also improve conditions for more effective and efficient fight against poverty and corruption. Progress in this first stage, need to be improved, especially with regard to capacity building in public, to enhance its intervention and the impact of their results.
is vital to strengthen the public representatives in the social, economic and political, as well as training developers and local vigilantes to consolidate opportunities for dialogue and decision making.
A strategic change that we emphasize, is the incorporation into regional and municipal areas of the culture of planning and consultation that is expressed in the institutionalization of the Concerted Development Plans and other management tools like, which, however, have not been adequately articulated.

promote a more active role of civil society in economic processes social and political department

The regional political scene, viewed in relation to the conscious action of political elites as well as the collective will of citizens organized in fronts or other political organization or union, has been marked in recent years by disputes involving regional government authorities and local governments, and especially to small groups of civil society that without greater representation and legitimacy, have led various types of protest and mobilization.
Given these facts, grassroots organizations and more representative have played the role of mere spectators, for the same no more likely to accumulate and capitalize on the results of such actions. This problem, if it has to do with structural arrears levels in the organization of society can and must begin to overcome this year.
policy decisions are due to the correlation of forces in society and state, democracy that is legitimate and responds to exercise the principles of freedom and justice, and demonstrate ability to exercise power to make changes or expand reforms mean giving greater rights and opportunities for the people welfare. For this, it is essential that new and large contingents of civil society from their legitimate expectations from their organizations and levels of social articulation, starting to generate opinion and deploy actions that make their presence felt and their interests, but also in the political arena to obtain claims and conquests.

In conclusion

What we want is to put in the public debate the topics that we consider vital for the immediate future of the department of Ancash. His approach is the responsibility of everyone, from national, regional and local, to leaders, leaders, representatives social, businesses and citizens, among whom, we must set the strategies and individual and joint actions to achieve specific objectives and targets during the twelve months of the year. Let us lay the groundwork for continued and sustained improvement of living conditions of the population Ancash.
Ancash, January 2009 Manuel Huaraya

Palma: CEDEP

Richard Moreno Bustos: CEDEP - GPC


Ricardo Castelo: PRISMA

[1] Report No. 08 National Income Monitoring Extractive Industries - Monitor Peru - Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.