Friday, April 1, 2011

Bideos Defamosas Follandos


"When I'm sixty four" is a song by the iconic British band The Beatles , published in his great record Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (June 1967). Talking
eighth album The Beatles is to speak of a classical piece in the psychedelic phenomenon, where he scored the field and took the lead before of vaias bands who took this album as an influence essential.
With a very llamativaal FENOMEN yport, which even included the lyrics to the songs inside, and a significant erosion strange mix of sounds, made Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band a great record and was forever Redeemer of rock history really.

The first song was recorded under the project "Sgt Pepper" was an old play written by Paul McCartney at 15 years old when he began his musical adventure with The Quarrymen . This song is called " When I was about 15" and part of the pre-Beatles repertoire commented on their performances at The Cavern , especially when the amp exploded in the midst of some old rock and roll, and between the shouts of the crowd Paul sat at the piano and began to improvise sentences under a sweet-flavored tune the 20's. Years later, "Macca " mention that the music of this song was a parody to the repertoire of Sinatra .
" " When I'm Sixty-Four "was something that Paul wrote in the days we played at The Cavern . The hitting just different phrases like 'grandchildren on your knee' and 'Vera, Chuck and Dave' . actually was one of those songs that are always half, and over time and remain in that state. Normally we used when exploiting any amplifier ... So we played only the piano "said Lennon years later when asked about this song by his childhood friend and bandmate.

But the song had its revival in 1966, when Jim McCartney, Paul father celebrated his 64th birthday. In this occasion, gift, his son gave him a new version of this song to his father and titled "When I'm sixty four." In his new letter, Paul tells us the thoughts of a young man anxiously looking especially old age, their marital relationship.

After the song, McCartney was not sure of the quality of this. Is that was quite weak in its instrumental, and that it took several days to search for that detail that makes it different from all.
One of those who helped " Macca" ue f producer George Martin , Who to listen to him in detail the idea of \u200b\u200bputting Lantea a clarinet quartet, so it sounds like a song of those old "Big Band's " of the 20's. The first thing you Martin managed to achieve that sound, voice speed the McCartney, in order to bring joy (?).

So it was like a December 6, 1966, after recording a Christmas message on two pirate radio stations in London, The Beatles sempezaron to rehearse and polish every detail of "When I'm Sixty-Four" , and by the end of the day recorded 2 shots to test results.
Two days later a solo McCartney went to the Abbey Road studios to record vocals, and create some mixtures.
took almost 12 days for the band once again resume this song. On that occasion McCartney, Lennon and Harrison recorded the vocals and Starr handled the percussion groups.
The next day, it was the turn at three clarinetists contacted by Martin : Robert Burns, Henry MacKenzie and Frank Reidy , who recorded his part under the supervision of producer Paul . After that, the song entered the delicate process of repairing and debugging sonic details ...

The end result was a remarkable song that even had the surprise of Lennon, who said years later that " not even dreamed of writing a song like that ."
A song while we returned Pre-Rock and roll, to those years where the music hall adorned with soft chords and bohemian gatherings rampant.
At times almost ironic and others almost as a plea to be happy forever, this piece of McCartney scared over some fans of The Beatles , hearing the quartet and sang to the elderly, as if the Winter arrived in full spring musical.

"When I'm sixty four" had a brief controversy in 2002 when Julian Lennon, son of John , made a special version for a publicity campaign for the insurance company Allstate
. This caused discomfort among the fans of The Beatles , as it was not very well seen the use of their songs to promote financial products that sometimes were not at all a help for consumers.

Finally, although it sounds ironic, in 2006 Macca turned 64 years and nothing that says he fulfilled his song. In fact, that year was removed Heather Mills of his second wife, who left him nearly broke a million-dollar lawsuit to comply with the divorce.
Finally, after 4 years of marriage, Paul separated from his wife and fell into a depression ... All that the advertised 64.



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