Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Can I Substitute For Sugar In Brownies


"The Pusher" is a song by American band Steppenwolf , which was released as a single in 1968, and was also part the soundtrack of the classic tape "Easy Rider" , starring Peter Fonda , Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson , and stayed forever as one of the most important works of American counterculture.
is that this band, which had members from Canada and other natives of Sweden, was characterized by experimenting with psychedelic sounds more typical of Hard-Rock without leaving the Blues chords acids.

In January 1968, the Steppenwolf brought to light releases his first album, the eponymous character, and where each piece was a live musical tribute to great pioneers of rock, as Chuck Berry, Willie Dixon and Muddy Waters .
This album quickly began climbing the charts and the press realized that this band had something new in their songs, like a message the future with these cruel riffs and dark lyrics that mixed perfectly with the cultural context that time.

Among the 11 songs that make this prestigious album, there is a striking piece of music title "The Pusher" whose credit belonged to American singer / songwriter Hoyt Axton . The story goes that Axton wrote this song in the middle of 1967 after learning that one of his best friends had died of a drug overdose. That is why in the lyrics of the song is critical to drug trafficking, especially when it distributes. Axton To the gentleman who sells marijuana "a machine for daydreaming and encourages young people to hard drugs like heroin is a monster not care if the consumer dies or will mental consequences. Only care about money ...

With its strong criticism of the drug dealer "The Pusher" was among the first songs that made him a strong dribble to drug use by youth and gives them drive to the "button" that sells and promotes its products to make money with the lives of others ...

The first to burn and the song was popular Canadian band "The Sparrow , who later would become known worldwide as Steepenwolf .
In May 1967, this legendary band led by John Kay recorded an extended version of this song live, which was modified years later with Steppenwolf to make it more close to the radio promotion. Both versions are amazing ...

But the powerful version of Steppenwolf also had its controversy, as many religious groups and conservatives began to censor this song on the radio and boycott the shows of the band after hearing within the letter the phrase "God Damn (God Damn), which was always chanted loudly by the fans of the band .
The problem reached its peak when in a concert that was going to get in a city in North Carolina came to their dressing a group of police threatening the members of the band to change that "damn phrase ". After that incident, John Kay decided to change that sentence "Gosh Darn" , but the public was not even there to repeat that phrase and was to the original cause more controversy ...

The song was part of the soundtrack of the hit movie "Easy Rider" , where in addition the band signed with classic "Born to be Wild" . This fact was central to the popularity of the band, that band sound became classic piece of late 60's.

Recently in 1971 the author of the song, Mr. Axton , decided to record their version of "The Pusher" . This version appears on his album entitled Joy to the World and is highly recommended ...
A great song, full of psychedelia and acid-rock mixed with a controversial subject for those years ... Buenom today is not so different, there are still those "Pusher" playing with the lives of young people his dirty money ...
Enjoy it!


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