Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby Footprints Tattoo

My impressions on the workshop

a week complications and hardships inherent in life in gener university al, tom me é a tie mpo to discuss what was the event we hold in conjunction with the faculty: "Workshop: Blog, Twitter and Facebook , arlos learn to growth. " As can a prides itself in images had an acceptable response to s and the first time there is an event of this kind in Trujillo, among those attending were the Rector of the university, the Dean of the Faculty of Communications , journalists, bloggers Trujillo and one or friend interested as would expose .

The first speaker was the Communicator and teaching faculty Carlos Gonzales he tried with great skill the subject of blogs, even took the time to create one in the presence of attendees, their intervention had a time of 40 minutes.

The following exhibit was me, where I discussed the topic of Twitter and social networks, all I did my presentation through Google Docs and also had a duration of 40 minutes on average. At first I felt some nerves, but with the passing of minutes I could hold in what he said. The following photo is proof of that.

Kalun Then Mr. Lau stated that I think was that more attention and sensation caused by its interaction with the public, just to next photo was taken during his speech and taught us live or from your mobile phone could publish both on facebook, twitter and flickr.

the end of the respective interview for friends TRUJILLO TE VE, which went to cover the event, will soon be posting the video of the meeting concerned.

At the request of one of the attendees, here are the slides from my presentation. I hope not the last time you organize such events in UPAO .


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