By: Richard Moreno Bustos
"bid, bid, our time is going to end!" Seems to summarize the overall objective of the Regional Government of Ancash (GRA) to six months to complete the administration and doors formally start election starting in July.
happens that it has identified "a constant" in the management regional showing a considerable effort to expedite "tender" but after that, the interest on the projects fell sharply during the physical implementation, which obviously violates the timeliness and quality of works. Therefore, ; is essential to know what the terms of each contract made (which should be public), explaining the rates of progress that is delivered to the building and has led to situations where "practically already finished pay more than 80% to the contractors but not walk the physical progress (Wecrococha Channel case, College Liberty among others).
As noted in a previous article, the GRA has the balance to invest S /. 1, 068 million soles, which provided the more political pressure to commit funds in recent months. In this logic, was convened in the city of Chimbote (May 7) at a meeting "extraordinary" to request the "Regional Council" to approve a set of projects that together exceed S /. 800 million soles, but have comments or irregularity which 4 months are displayed through different media.
The session mentioned did not get a quorum in the morning, so in another meeting later development but "ordinary", where a majority of directors voted to approve ("package" and not "individually") projects proposed.
Oiled "or disinformation? ..
Oiled "or disinformation? ..
Why choose VRG Hospital construction of Huaraz, where Civil Defence said it was a risk area (flood), socially, there is a strong opposition and, technically important comments made from the College of Engineering?
The answer is simple, as has been happening so the work does not progress, JUST WANT TO TENDER AND DELIVER THE BUENAPRO. That's it.
Also, remember that under the agreement, the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI) is paid 2% (previously 3.5%) of the reference value of the selection process (bidding), that is, if they were S /. 840 million which is tendered, the GRA must pay the OEI S /. 16.8 million new soles. What a business!