Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy 25th Birthday Clip Are

Antamina: Last of the municipalities

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
Today December 18, 7 mayors met provincial and district mayors 6 of the 166 existing municipalities in Ancash, and have decided to form a "commission" that would have a conversation with Antamina it - to join the program Repeal of " reinvestment of profits "in which the state would lose $ 276 million and Ancash not perceive half (138 million ) - give them a" compensation. "
Look, 8% of the municipal authorities have decided to form and send a commission to get "little something" to the mining company. Ie the problem of representation is evident again, and it happens that the leadership and coordination between authorities is worrying Ancash, how was the call? They have gathered primarily those that receive more canon in Ancash, and where are the poorest municipalities and that will be most affected?
Local governments receive Canon Minero, but also the Regional Government and the universities, where are they? ..
It seems that these mayors are given the slogan for the intentions of Antamina accomplished, divided and ready to accept the fate that lay ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

V For Vendetta Quotes November

behavior of Latinos in the era of Web 2.0

After sailing this afternoon by the net, I came across this interesting study by Digital Trends Web , here we find some interesting data on how Latinos use the internet. It is noteworthy that this study was based on more of 28,000 interviews with Internet users speaking between July and September 2009.

Among the most outstanding are the segmentation could be found due to applications, we have: 46% use the internet to socialize in a social network or IM, 22% denominated in addition to socializing enthusiastic comment and participate in social networks , 20% are called CREATORS users that are generated online content through a blog, video or photos, they are constantly informed and finally the Corporate Group with 12% looking to take advantage of social networks to position your company or your professional profile.

The detailed study will be found in the next slide.

View more presentations from Digital Trends . Bohemian Trujillo

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maltese With Ringworm

And who is hurt if you lower the Ancash mining royalties? CANON IN ANCASH

By: Richard Moreno Bustos
possible way of reinvestment of profits in Antamina. I.
Mining royalties in the Regional Government, Municipalities and Universities of Ancash, on average accounts for 97% of their budgets to make investments. So, any decline in these resources will jeopardize the possibilities for profiling, maintain and carry out public works.
ii. A few are more affected than others. Because some are dramatically more canon than most municipalities.
iii. The distribution of mining royalties Ancash causes it to focus only on some local governments, either because they are producing districts or because they have enough population. For example, in 2009 local governments that are perceived more canon: San Marcos (S /. 122 million), Santa (S/.42 million), Chavin de Huantar (S /. 34 million), Independence (S / . 33millones), Huari (S/.26 million), Nuevo Chimbote (S/.23 million), Huaraz (S /. 20 million).
iv. Between the governments "more benefits" we have those who are building their canon and which for many reasons "can not afford." V.
Of the 166 municipalities that have Ancash, 63% (102) receives less two million soles annually, to the point of many local governments exist whose transfer is 838 times less than what it perceives San Marcos (perceived Cajamarquilla 130 000 soles per year).
So in a scenario where the fee reduces what could be the future of the investments of the 102 local governments to pick up some money for canon? Who speaks for them at the negotiating table where you slide the possibility that Antamina deliver a "Pence Mining?
The authorities and political leaders in the region have the word ...

5000 Units Is How Many Ml


By: Richard Moreno Bustos

While searching
Antamina mining company that is not benefiting from a program that allows repealed reinvest the profits without paying tax, we see that some authorities see this as an opportunity to take advantage of negotiating with the same mining company.
Some notes:
1. Slightly more than 13 mayors are solely representative of the 166 municipalities that receive mining royalties Ancash and are accepting a mite (synonym of gift or alms). Ie they want to change a law for a handout.
2. These authorities will now leave office, they are considering seeking an agreement with the company so that it sees a different mechanism for funding expanded of your project (U.S. $ 930 million), such as investing the proceeds so far (more than U.S. $ 6.300 million), but have greater resources beyond what the rules allow them to spend.
3. The "incentive program" repealed which you want to host Antamina (because they have tax stability contract), responding to a radically different scenario now, as in the 90 had instability and economic situation was difficult and risky investment.
4. Antamina is one of the most profitable companies in the country. The business of extending the project is very profitable and secure. You do not need any incentive program.
5. If the company invests $ 920 million it will recover, but if the state does not collect the tax (30%), that if the state does not recover, and Antamina will have saved $ 276 million. If the fee will double or triple with the expansion of Antamina, it means that your profits multiply.
6 .- In statements broadcast said that we are arguing that the fee will "eliminate" this is not true, the charge is not removed but will decrease by approximately $ 130 million. Antamina

That will give us an example of commitment to the development of Ancash and not to insist to reinvest their profits, but sees a different funding mechanism has requested in the Ministry of Energy and Mines ...