Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Can I Fly Abroad In A Plane With Glaucoma?
Prepare the department to withstand the global economic crisis: "A Plan to Resist Crisis"
economic crisis beyond the good wishes of President Garcia, also affect our country and our department. Knowing that financial events are reflected in the real economy, not immediately, their effects should be felt in Ancash still a small percentage this year.
Our main resource is the mining canon suffer a reduction of about 20% [1] , because mining companies have begun to reduce their income by lower international prices of metals were directed mainly to China and India. The effect referred to as a result of 2008 is not as strong since the fall of the stock exchanges in the world, affecting prices from the month of October, meaning that the profits of mining companies were not disturbed significantly, which implies that taxes are being paid to the treasury, as income tax, either.
This situation of relative privilege which we enjoy the Ancash, by significant amounts mining royalties transferred to subnational governments, the remnants of mining profits handed to regional government, the resources available in the Employment Fund and the Mining Program of Solidarity with the People also, added border in 2009 approximately 3.500 million new soles they demand of us to design specific strategies to counter the raw moments of global economic problems, which are coming with greater intensity by mid-year without fail. Finishing the charm of significant transfers of mining royalties and other, in 2010 we return to our stark reality.
The debate in the country is open, with the measures of "Anti-Crisis Plan" proposed by the government and all national, regional and local authorities to take or refrain from adopting the decision makers during the period of uncertainty has already opened in our economic history. Saving measures and no debt on families certainly will not be sufficient, in the case of our regional and municipal governments will need to increase public investment but also of better quality and effectiveness with the purposes of generating employment and further improve education services and health prevention, promoting food security and sovereignty.
The consultation and dialogue between representatives of civil society and authorities, shedding Flag antagonistic policies and positions will be the basis for designing a practical set of measures that reflect a "resistance Plan Ancash Crisis", which should give us greater possibilities at this stage of the economic recession.
Put human development and achievement in education and health and social development support
Protect the future of the country and the region will go through the dedication and determination that we put an investment in health and education (more than just provide them with infrastructure and / or equipment), for this we as an important support point, strategic programs Budget Results, but also regional tools such as the Regional Education Project of Ancash (PER Ancash), Local Educational Projects (PELs) and concerted plan of Health, Poverty Reduction, Action for Children, Equal Opportunities (under construction) and the Food Security Strategy.
is of vital importance to generate an intense community mobilization and health education, both directly and through their representatives, to promote their involvement in participatory budgeting, improving their capacity to formulate project ideas and to surveillance and monitoring investment and the provision of local education and health services, especially in rural areas of the department, in the imperative that we have to strengthen institutional entrepreneurship and a culture of accountability effective.
Councils have been formed Participatory Health and Education to regional and local level, some of them have started their work, showing progress in the generation of public policies and experiences in promoting impact; For this reason, must be linked into networks internal and inter-on the basis of a territorial approach to promote and enhance their results. Dar
safe and irreversible steps in the process of decentralization in Ancash
The most successful political reform called the democratic period that starts with Toledo and continues today with Garcia has been the decentralization.
We have a regional government, even if we are not yet a region. This has allowed us to advance in levels of autonomy as a department, with the transfer, even incomplete, functions and skills sector and social programs from the national level, with resource management as the Canon Minero and others which should in theory be generating better conditions for sustainable human development, which still requires much analysis.
On the other hand, has formalized the participation of civil society in areas such as the CCR, CCL, Concerted Development Plans and Participatory Budgeting, it has yet to be strengthened. Now citizens play a leading role in making decisions. However
for this decentralization needs to be strengthened further to the formation of true regions, with the union of one or more departments in the so-called "macro regions", this is not only formal, legal or technical, is fundamentally a process social construction begins with the articulation of economic dynamics, with the integration of groups social, home territories which make up new territorial spaces that will lead to new political forms of governance and management. This stage in our case is extremely late, we have the announcement of the formation of a pilot region Huanuco and Ucayali, and the holding of a referendum for approval risks end up being deprecated.
This year will test the process, or advance in their construction, or walk to a new frustration. The new can be the involvement of different actors of civil society, to give you another face and it will fly to success. This possibility will also have a lot to do with levels of governance democracy promoted by the Regional Government of Ancash and assume responsibility for social organizations and institutions of public and private sector, so far this factor is hampered by a slightly open management and convener of the regional authorities to work outside of areas of interest organized civil society, especially of the mountains, threatening the sustainability and institutionalization of these issues vital to our development department.
initiate effective action to adapt to climate change impacts
The land crisis is a universal misery, is a fact that affects us all and all without exception, do not escape the race, creed, political affiliation or economic status, it transcends the economic difficulties which may impact short-term and to be overcome in the short and medium term, it will not happen with the climate change crisis, which has its origin in the evolution of the human species and the wrong behaviors we have men in general, against nature, but especially the industrialized countries continue to pollute the atmosphere irresponsibly to worldwide.
In the case of Ancash, the effects of climate change can be foreseen this very serious, as the source of life is water, begins scarce due to the reduction of the mass chain glacial peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, which in turn is constituted by its beautiful landscape the main attraction of tourism, economic source of many families in the Ancash highlands, as well as farming, as well as food source and trade of our people.
in different forums have discussed the issue but mitigating actions are not appreciated and this year from organized spaces of civil society and from public and private institutions must begin to implement policies that generate massive commitments in this regard. Rural communities and cities that are located in the path of watershed play an important role in the conservation and wise use of resources like water.
Moreover, some public institutions and businesses use these important sources of life and waste dumps. In our department there are shameful examples which should not be imitated, and this is a responsibility that civil society should assume a caretaker role.
deepen citizen participation, monitoring, combating poverty and corruption
space regional and municipal politics in the field of decision making has been innovated the past 6 years with the institutionalization of the participation of organized civil society in the processes of participatory budgeting and concerted formulation of Regional Development Plans and municipal. This has expanded the public sphere, the strengthening of democracy and greater openness to transparency in the use of state resources.
political system reforms also improve conditions for more effective and efficient fight against poverty and corruption. Progress in this first stage, need to be improved, especially with regard to capacity building in public, to enhance its intervention and the impact of their results.
is vital to strengthen the public representatives in the social, economic and political, as well as training developers and local vigilantes to consolidate opportunities for dialogue and decision making.
A strategic change that we emphasize, is the incorporation into regional and municipal areas of the culture of planning and consultation that is expressed in the institutionalization of the Concerted Development Plans and other management tools like, which, however, have not been adequately articulated.
promote a more active role of civil society in economic processes social and political department
The regional political scene, viewed in relation to the conscious action of political elites as well as the collective will of citizens organized in fronts or other political organization or union, has been marked in recent years by disputes involving regional government authorities and local governments, and especially to small groups of civil society that without greater representation and legitimacy, have led various types of protest and mobilization.
Given these facts, grassroots organizations and more representative have played the role of mere spectators, for the same no more likely to accumulate and capitalize on the results of such actions. This problem, if it has to do with structural arrears levels in the organization of society can and must begin to overcome this year.
policy decisions are due to the correlation of forces in society and state, democracy that is legitimate and responds to exercise the principles of freedom and justice, and demonstrate ability to exercise power to make changes or expand reforms mean giving greater rights and opportunities for the people welfare. For this, it is essential that new and large contingents of civil society from their legitimate expectations from their organizations and levels of social articulation, starting to generate opinion and deploy actions that make their presence felt and their interests, but also in the political arena to obtain claims and conquests.
In conclusion
What we want is to put in the public debate the topics that we consider vital for the immediate future of the department of Ancash. His approach is the responsibility of everyone, from national, regional and local, to leaders, leaders, representatives social, businesses and citizens, among whom, we must set the strategies and individual and joint actions to achieve specific objectives and targets during the twelve months of the year. Let us lay the groundwork for continued and sustained improvement of living conditions of the population Ancash.
Ancash, January 2009 Manuel Huaraya
Palma: CEDEP
Richard Moreno Bustos: CEDEP - GPC
Ricardo Castelo: PRISMA
[1] Report No. 08 National Income Monitoring Extractive Industries - Monitor Peru - Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.
"In the name of God is always good to start ... start ..."
(Quote of the Peru's black folklore)
(Quote of the Peru's black folklore)
Huaraya Manuel Palma, Richard Moreno Bustos Paredes Edver Milla, Ricardo Espinoza Castelo.
began in 2009, and with it the renewal of the spirit Ancash citizens winning the regional off towards social development. Precisely in the search to harness those charged wills "aƱonuevinas" suggest some common themes for a regional agenda of civil society for this coming year.
Huaraya Manuel Palma, Richard Moreno Bustos Paredes Edver Milla, Ricardo Espinoza Castelo.
began in 2009, and with it the renewal of the spirit Ancash citizens winning the regional off towards social development. Precisely in the search to harness those charged wills "aƱonuevinas" suggest some common themes for a regional agenda of civil society for this coming year.
Prepare the department to withstand the global economic crisis: "A Plan to Resist Crisis"
economic crisis beyond the good wishes of President Garcia, also affect our country and our department. Knowing that financial events are reflected in the real economy, not immediately, their effects should be felt in Ancash still a small percentage this year.
Our main resource is the mining canon suffer a reduction of about 20% [1] , because mining companies have begun to reduce their income by lower international prices of metals were directed mainly to China and India. The effect referred to as a result of 2008 is not as strong since the fall of the stock exchanges in the world, affecting prices from the month of October, meaning that the profits of mining companies were not disturbed significantly, which implies that taxes are being paid to the treasury, as income tax, either.
This situation of relative privilege which we enjoy the Ancash, by significant amounts mining royalties transferred to subnational governments, the remnants of mining profits handed to regional government, the resources available in the Employment Fund and the Mining Program of Solidarity with the People also, added border in 2009 approximately 3.500 million new soles they demand of us to design specific strategies to counter the raw moments of global economic problems, which are coming with greater intensity by mid-year without fail. Finishing the charm of significant transfers of mining royalties and other, in 2010 we return to our stark reality.
The debate in the country is open, with the measures of "Anti-Crisis Plan" proposed by the government and all national, regional and local authorities to take or refrain from adopting the decision makers during the period of uncertainty has already opened in our economic history. Saving measures and no debt on families certainly will not be sufficient, in the case of our regional and municipal governments will need to increase public investment but also of better quality and effectiveness with the purposes of generating employment and further improve education services and health prevention, promoting food security and sovereignty.
The consultation and dialogue between representatives of civil society and authorities, shedding Flag antagonistic policies and positions will be the basis for designing a practical set of measures that reflect a "resistance Plan Ancash Crisis", which should give us greater possibilities at this stage of the economic recession.
Put human development and achievement in education and health and social development support
Protect the future of the country and the region will go through the dedication and determination that we put an investment in health and education (more than just provide them with infrastructure and / or equipment), for this we as an important support point, strategic programs Budget Results, but also regional tools such as the Regional Education Project of Ancash (PER Ancash), Local Educational Projects (PELs) and concerted plan of Health, Poverty Reduction, Action for Children, Equal Opportunities (under construction) and the Food Security Strategy.
is of vital importance to generate an intense community mobilization and health education, both directly and through their representatives, to promote their involvement in participatory budgeting, improving their capacity to formulate project ideas and to surveillance and monitoring investment and the provision of local education and health services, especially in rural areas of the department, in the imperative that we have to strengthen institutional entrepreneurship and a culture of accountability effective.
Councils have been formed Participatory Health and Education to regional and local level, some of them have started their work, showing progress in the generation of public policies and experiences in promoting impact; For this reason, must be linked into networks internal and inter-on the basis of a territorial approach to promote and enhance their results. Dar
safe and irreversible steps in the process of decentralization in Ancash
The most successful political reform called the democratic period that starts with Toledo and continues today with Garcia has been the decentralization.
We have a regional government, even if we are not yet a region. This has allowed us to advance in levels of autonomy as a department, with the transfer, even incomplete, functions and skills sector and social programs from the national level, with resource management as the Canon Minero and others which should in theory be generating better conditions for sustainable human development, which still requires much analysis.
On the other hand, has formalized the participation of civil society in areas such as the CCR, CCL, Concerted Development Plans and Participatory Budgeting, it has yet to be strengthened. Now citizens play a leading role in making decisions. However
for this decentralization needs to be strengthened further to the formation of true regions, with the union of one or more departments in the so-called "macro regions", this is not only formal, legal or technical, is fundamentally a process social construction begins with the articulation of economic dynamics, with the integration of groups social, home territories which make up new territorial spaces that will lead to new political forms of governance and management. This stage in our case is extremely late, we have the announcement of the formation of a pilot region Huanuco and Ucayali, and the holding of a referendum for approval risks end up being deprecated.
This year will test the process, or advance in their construction, or walk to a new frustration. The new can be the involvement of different actors of civil society, to give you another face and it will fly to success. This possibility will also have a lot to do with levels of governance democracy promoted by the Regional Government of Ancash and assume responsibility for social organizations and institutions of public and private sector, so far this factor is hampered by a slightly open management and convener of the regional authorities to work outside of areas of interest organized civil society, especially of the mountains, threatening the sustainability and institutionalization of these issues vital to our development department.
initiate effective action to adapt to climate change impacts
The land crisis is a universal misery, is a fact that affects us all and all without exception, do not escape the race, creed, political affiliation or economic status, it transcends the economic difficulties which may impact short-term and to be overcome in the short and medium term, it will not happen with the climate change crisis, which has its origin in the evolution of the human species and the wrong behaviors we have men in general, against nature, but especially the industrialized countries continue to pollute the atmosphere irresponsibly to worldwide.
In the case of Ancash, the effects of climate change can be foreseen this very serious, as the source of life is water, begins scarce due to the reduction of the mass chain glacial peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, which in turn is constituted by its beautiful landscape the main attraction of tourism, economic source of many families in the Ancash highlands, as well as farming, as well as food source and trade of our people.
in different forums have discussed the issue but mitigating actions are not appreciated and this year from organized spaces of civil society and from public and private institutions must begin to implement policies that generate massive commitments in this regard. Rural communities and cities that are located in the path of watershed play an important role in the conservation and wise use of resources like water.
Moreover, some public institutions and businesses use these important sources of life and waste dumps. In our department there are shameful examples which should not be imitated, and this is a responsibility that civil society should assume a caretaker role.
deepen citizen participation, monitoring, combating poverty and corruption
space regional and municipal politics in the field of decision making has been innovated the past 6 years with the institutionalization of the participation of organized civil society in the processes of participatory budgeting and concerted formulation of Regional Development Plans and municipal. This has expanded the public sphere, the strengthening of democracy and greater openness to transparency in the use of state resources.
political system reforms also improve conditions for more effective and efficient fight against poverty and corruption. Progress in this first stage, need to be improved, especially with regard to capacity building in public, to enhance its intervention and the impact of their results.
is vital to strengthen the public representatives in the social, economic and political, as well as training developers and local vigilantes to consolidate opportunities for dialogue and decision making.
A strategic change that we emphasize, is the incorporation into regional and municipal areas of the culture of planning and consultation that is expressed in the institutionalization of the Concerted Development Plans and other management tools like, which, however, have not been adequately articulated.
promote a more active role of civil society in economic processes social and political department
The regional political scene, viewed in relation to the conscious action of political elites as well as the collective will of citizens organized in fronts or other political organization or union, has been marked in recent years by disputes involving regional government authorities and local governments, and especially to small groups of civil society that without greater representation and legitimacy, have led various types of protest and mobilization.
Given these facts, grassroots organizations and more representative have played the role of mere spectators, for the same no more likely to accumulate and capitalize on the results of such actions. This problem, if it has to do with structural arrears levels in the organization of society can and must begin to overcome this year.
policy decisions are due to the correlation of forces in society and state, democracy that is legitimate and responds to exercise the principles of freedom and justice, and demonstrate ability to exercise power to make changes or expand reforms mean giving greater rights and opportunities for the people welfare. For this, it is essential that new and large contingents of civil society from their legitimate expectations from their organizations and levels of social articulation, starting to generate opinion and deploy actions that make their presence felt and their interests, but also in the political arena to obtain claims and conquests.
In conclusion
What we want is to put in the public debate the topics that we consider vital for the immediate future of the department of Ancash. His approach is the responsibility of everyone, from national, regional and local, to leaders, leaders, representatives social, businesses and citizens, among whom, we must set the strategies and individual and joint actions to achieve specific objectives and targets during the twelve months of the year. Let us lay the groundwork for continued and sustained improvement of living conditions of the population Ancash.
Ancash, January 2009 Manuel Huaraya
Palma: CEDEP
Richard Moreno Bustos: CEDEP - GPC
Ricardo Castelo: PRISMA
[1] Report No. 08 National Income Monitoring Extractive Industries - Monitor Peru - Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.
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